Why do I get the feeling that Jocelyn will move in with Vicky? The more Phyllis & Ronald force their own daughter on the side of “righteousness”, the more Jocelyn will want to cut ties with her parents.
Damn. This makes me wonder what kind of upbringing Vicky and Phyllis had when they were younger, as it was alluded to before in the Christmas Visit arc.
Why do I get the feeling that Jocelyn will move in with Vicky? The more Phyllis & Ronald force their own daughter on the side of “righteousness”, the more Jocelyn will want to cut ties with her parents.
I wonder how long it will be before Phyllis realizes that Vicky is a better parental figure to Jocelyn than she is.
It is only a matter of time before Phyllis finally snaps.
Damn. This makes me wonder what kind of upbringing Vicky and Phyllis had when they were younger, as it was alluded to before in the Christmas Visit arc.
Dear Lord, someone slip some Everclear into Phyl’s fruit juice.
@Azure-Mage88 Yeah, I mean, surely we NEED to show her to that guy. /s
In all seriousness, yeah, she really has no idea that she’s going to cause her own daughter to resent her. If she hasn’t done that already.
It appears Phyllis is unfamiliar with our good-old friend “sarcasm”.
Unrelated, but I’m now just realizing how muscular Vicky is. Now I have another reason to love her