Kendra: In a couple decades, money won’t even exist anymore.
*couple decades later*
Kendra: *currently doing Weird Fetish Porn commissions to buy both rent and health care*
Huh… I thought JOEL was gonna be the one to address the crush/money thing, but AARON? Now there’s a surprise!
Though I think the even bigger surprise is that this gal doesn’t BELIEVE in love? Like, why is she crushing on these guys then? Or is she just flirting, knowing there’s no actual romance involved when there’s money to grab?
Well she was right about less money, only because we’re being inflated to Hell and back =P.
Kendra is gonna be *super* disappointed in the 2020s.
I see someone’s still bitter.
Kendra: In a couple decades, money won’t even exist anymore.
*couple decades later*
Kendra: *currently doing Weird Fetish Porn commissions to buy both rent and health care*
@JIMENOPOLIX and @Red Rain: The old Aaron (I mean, the pre-Woodstock one) would have NEVER addressed that thing about the money and the crushes.
And to think she broke up with Jeff because of who he was!
Huh… I thought JOEL was gonna be the one to address the crush/money thing, but AARON? Now there’s a surprise!
Though I think the even bigger surprise is that this gal doesn’t BELIEVE in love? Like, why is she crushing on these guys then? Or is she just flirting, knowing there’s no actual romance involved when there’s money to grab?
…and that Irish chick was a firecracker.
Wow, good comeback line by Aaron in the first panel.
Just tell her you enjoy Butthole Surfers. That worked for Joel at one point