I recognize this one from the previous continuity Sunday Strips on DA, only that one had Amber, Cynthia, and I THINK Kristen. Glad to see it remade here.
Hi everyone! I know I said that I wouldn’t bring this up again, but I needed to get this off of my chest!
I just wanted to take this time to apologize for not shutting up about Lindsay’s past mistakes for nearly 8 months. I realize how annoying I was in the comments section of these posts, and how my constant harping of the past would overshadow the stories being told. It got to the point where I was getting to Mole levels of obnoxious! I was battling some mental illnesses at the time, but this is no excuse. I was a complete asshole about the whole thing. Instead of being angry, I should have seen Lindsay as an inspiration to others, and focused on her graduation journey. I should have kept my mouth shut the whole time, even if I didn’t exactly understand her yet. The reason I was being so weird is because I had sort of a crush on her, and didn’t know how to handle it.
Jesse, if you’re reading this, then I’m especially sorry to you for not being a good fan. I would not have blamed you for a minute if you would have banned me for this. I must have been a royal pain in the ass to you, and you did nothing to deserve that. I don’t know how i could ever make up for it, but i’m so fucking sorry!
You just remade this: https://www.deviantart.com/jbwarner86/art/1990S-Get-A-Grip-812557658 and swapped Amber, Cynthia & Kristen with Vanessa, Claire & Melissa. Not that I mind.
There might be a few holes in Jocelyn’s idea!
Jocelyn lives for freaking out the normies.
Actually, I think a group of airheads is called a “giggle”.
Honestly, I like Vanessa the most out of the airheads. She seems the nicest, if a little self-deprecating.
*must fight the urge to google “railroad spike piercing”*
Jocelyn really knows how to “inspire” people!
Jocelyn and giving absolutely zero fucks, name a more iconic duo.
Jocelyn sure looks sexy blowing a bubble. She should do that more often.
I recognize this one from the previous continuity Sunday Strips on DA, only that one had Amber, Cynthia, and I THINK Kristen. Glad to see it remade here.
Hi everyone! I know I said that I wouldn’t bring this up again, but I needed to get this off of my chest!
I just wanted to take this time to apologize for not shutting up about Lindsay’s past mistakes for nearly 8 months. I realize how annoying I was in the comments section of these posts, and how my constant harping of the past would overshadow the stories being told. It got to the point where I was getting to Mole levels of obnoxious! I was battling some mental illnesses at the time, but this is no excuse. I was a complete asshole about the whole thing. Instead of being angry, I should have seen Lindsay as an inspiration to others, and focused on her graduation journey. I should have kept my mouth shut the whole time, even if I didn’t exactly understand her yet. The reason I was being so weird is because I had sort of a crush on her, and didn’t know how to handle it.
Jesse, if you’re reading this, then I’m especially sorry to you for not being a good fan. I would not have blamed you for a minute if you would have banned me for this. I must have been a royal pain in the ass to you, and you did nothing to deserve that. I don’t know how i could ever make up for it, but i’m so fucking sorry!
This must be Melissa & Vanessa’s first colored strip appearance.
Jocelyn is a master of the time-honored art of freaking out poseurs, prudes, and bigots. Teach us your ways, oh wise one!
Jocelyn is a Savage. Though its surprising Vanessa is willing to go through with the piercing though.
How rusty would that spike have to be before Vanessa hits her limit?
I mean most boys are into girls like that nowadays