We do have places where people exist in a closed environment for 3 months at a time with minimal connection to the outside world; they’re called submarines. Although every ex-submariner I’ve met is a burnt-out, ultra-cynical, addict/former addict, snarky caffeine junkie, so that might not be the healthiest pattern to follow.
Biosphere 2 was a useful experiment, in that it revealed how, even after years of planning, entirely new things can go wrong. Like how the trees died off because there wasn’t any wind.
I wonder how well a new project would do. I think it would be worth it, if only to find new and cool ways we don’t understand the complexity of life on earth. Of course, we’d have to carefully screen the members, and preferably keep it mono-ethnic and single gender, or they’d be too busy checking each other’s privilege to get anything done.
Biosphere 3. XD
We do have places where people exist in a closed environment for 3 months at a time with minimal connection to the outside world; they’re called submarines. Although every ex-submariner I’ve met is a burnt-out, ultra-cynical, addict/former addict, snarky caffeine junkie, so that might not be the healthiest pattern to follow.
Biosphere 2 was a useful experiment, in that it revealed how, even after years of planning, entirely new things can go wrong. Like how the trees died off because there wasn’t any wind.
I wonder how well a new project would do. I think it would be worth it, if only to find new and cool ways we don’t understand the complexity of life on earth. Of course, we’d have to carefully screen the members, and preferably keep it mono-ethnic and single gender, or they’d be too busy checking each other’s privilege to get anything done.
The Earth has the potential for being the correct size biosphere. We just need to get our stuff together and keep it habitable for future generations.
@Ghost College is also a pain in the ass.
Bio-engineering is not amongst the shit that Lindsay knows.
I would happily work at the mall in Biosphere 3.
Looks like Lindsay is going to need help before she helps others.
Yeah, College takes your mind to some interesting places. The Biosphere project was a mess and a half.
Moral of the story: you can’t help literally everybody.
College is fun!