Oh geez, Eye, that’s a lot of bad ideas that Nick doesn’t deserve. Nick’s dumb and lecherous, but he’s not that malicious.
Not that I wouldn’t say no to seeing Joel “locked in the trunk of a car” for the length of a class or two. Lots of time to reflect.
Going through the full “parking lot scene” is too much. Lots of showdowns happen in school parking lots, but I think it’s best to leave that one behind.
W00T! Backup has arrived! Looks like Lindsay’s friends still support her, even after learning the truth about her checkered past. That’s true friendship right there, ladies and gents.
“Steal my life”, Jess? Sorry to break this to ya, hon, but your obnoxious “alpha bitch” personality would have driven away your friends and boyfriend sooner or later. You’d been engineering your own downfall for years; Lindsay was just the catalyst that triggered it.
In other news, “Fucktits McPsycho” is a truly excellent insult nickname.
huh, compared to the previous continuity this… ok, I know this is gonna sound dumb, but it feels like one of those RPGs where you get a different ending depending on your karma score or whatever.
Last time, Lindsay had a very low karma score and had only Craig to help her in the end (but not before getting a beating of a lifetime). So one of the bad, but not the worst, endings.
And this time, she’s been doing her best to be a good person, she got a good karma score, and guess what? Friends came to save her! Good ending!
So does that mean that there will be a remake of Kevin’s last arc where he… IN THE OLD CONTINUITY almost assaulted Lindsay in the parking lot. only with Nick this time? Because that’s what seems to make the most logical sense.
Or maybe I’m getting a bit too far ahead of myself. This arc still has a week to go and we’ll need to see the fallout of the “past sins revealed” strip from last week…sheesh, that’s gonna be messy…
Hell Yeah!! Backup has arrived. Seeing Kevin deck Jessica was oh so satisfying and Amber laying down the hurt on Jessica was so good to see. Glad to see that Lindsay’s buddies have her back and share the same understanding as Craig did after now knowing Lindsay’s past and that she has changed for the better. Cynthia, save the cookies for after you and your friends restrain your psycho ex-captain.
“Go away or I’ll call the Cheer Squad.” “I’m on the Cheer Squad!”
And it was shaping up to be such a nice murder scene, too. Too bad for Jessica that JB wouldn’t let anyone defeat Lindsey. So the girls were just delivering cookies? That’s just plausible enough, yet nowhere the right tone. Let’s not forget that this is Jessica’s old friends betraying her. How many cheerleaders does it take to tie her up?
I actually like how this storyline (almost) feels like a throwback to the darker tone of the original comic, which JB went out of his way to erase its existence of (barring some of the strips still on his DA).
I also like how Lindsay’s friends actually stick by her despite knowing the truth of her past. Definitely a far cry from their original counterparts where they were quick to cut ties with Jessica after Lindsay started spreading rumors about her.
@Blue Diamond Totally. It still crosses my mind from time to time.
This was the most entertaining arc so far.
I do so appreciate the True Companions trope.
Oh geez, Eye, that’s a lot of bad ideas that Nick doesn’t deserve. Nick’s dumb and lecherous, but he’s not that malicious.
Not that I wouldn’t say no to seeing Joel “locked in the trunk of a car” for the length of a class or two. Lots of time to reflect.
Going through the full “parking lot scene” is too much. Lots of showdowns happen in school parking lots, but I think it’s best to leave that one behind.
Wow. I almost missed psycho Kevin for a minute there.
W00T! Backup has arrived! Looks like Lindsay’s friends still support her, even after learning the truth about her checkered past. That’s true friendship right there, ladies and gents.
“Steal my life”, Jess? Sorry to break this to ya, hon, but your obnoxious “alpha bitch” personality would have driven away your friends and boyfriend sooner or later. You’d been engineering your own downfall for years; Lindsay was just the catalyst that triggered it.
In other news, “Fucktits McPsycho” is a truly excellent insult nickname.
Also Jessica, you weren’t made. Lindsay inadvertently brought your malicious nature to the surface for everyone else to see.
I stand corrected. This here is something called the “big damn heroes” moment.
huh, compared to the previous continuity this… ok, I know this is gonna sound dumb, but it feels like one of those RPGs where you get a different ending depending on your karma score or whatever.
Last time, Lindsay had a very low karma score and had only Craig to help her in the end (but not before getting a beating of a lifetime). So one of the bad, but not the worst, endings.
And this time, she’s been doing her best to be a good person, she got a good karma score, and guess what? Friends came to save her! Good ending!
So does that mean that there will be a remake of Kevin’s last arc where he… IN THE OLD CONTINUITY almost assaulted Lindsay in the parking lot. only with Nick this time? Because that’s what seems to make the most logical sense.
Or maybe I’m getting a bit too far ahead of myself. This arc still has a week to go and we’ll need to see the fallout of the “past sins revealed” strip from last week…sheesh, that’s gonna be messy…
Kevin, either help or call the cops. Not the right time to enjoy the sights.
And the other girls are here. Didn’t expect that.
We still got some strips left. Wonder where it’ll go from here…?
Hell Yeah!! Backup has arrived. Seeing Kevin deck Jessica was oh so satisfying and Amber laying down the hurt on Jessica was so good to see. Glad to see that Lindsay’s buddies have her back and share the same understanding as Craig did after now knowing Lindsay’s past and that she has changed for the better. Cynthia, save the cookies for after you and your friends restrain your psycho ex-captain.
“Go away or I’ll call the Cheer Squad.” “I’m on the Cheer Squad!”
Too bad for Jessica that JB wouldn’t let anyone defeat Lindsey. So the girls were just delivering cookies? That’s just plausible enough, yet nowhere the right tone. Let’s not forget that this is Jessica’s old friends betraying her. How many cheerleaders does it take to tie her up?
And it was shaping up to be such a nice murder scene, too.
(loud off key trumpet blare) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKQ_sQKBASM
Nobody expects the Eden Prarie cheerleading squad! (I certainly didn’t)
and I know it’s not really his sister, but Kevin’s still ogling a girl who *looks* like… Ah, never mind. Just enjoy, friend lol
I actually like how this storyline (almost) feels like a throwback to the darker tone of the original comic, which JB went out of his way to erase its existence of (barring some of the strips still on his DA).
I also like how Lindsay’s friends actually stick by her despite knowing the truth of her past. Definitely a far cry from their original counterparts where they were quick to cut ties with Jessica after Lindsay started spreading rumors about her.
Friends. What a concept.
Now THAT is what I call “squad goals”!!
The cavalry has arrived!