@Christopher Max Well: Once again, you’re putting words in my mouth and accussing me of nonexistent bullshit. You love her, I don’t. Let’s just leave it at that, okay? I don’t know why we’re getting so worked up over a fictional character.
@Tarotsu – Yeah, you just don’t like when she’s doing… anything else besides just be Steve’s girlfriend. You don’t like when she has any agency of her own.
@Christopher Max Well: Don’t put words in my mouth. This has been a problem with Jocelyn ever since Forever 16.
And for the record, I don’t completely hate Jocelyn. I think she has a unique design and her relationship with Steve in the original was cute.
@Christopher Max Wall: And that’s the problem. Jocelyn’s enemies are always unlikable jerks. Therefore, she can never be wrong. That’s why she comes off as a Sue to me. Jocelyn should have an enemy on her level where she can’t threaten them with violence or belittle them.
And I’m stating my opinion. I don’t know anything about “that guy” crap you’re speaking of so don’t refer to me as such.
@Tarostu: Because she IS, more often than not. The people she goes up against are bigoted and/or judgmental, closed-minded, etc. Or they’re possessive or otherwise creeps like her (current) girlfriend or Kevin.
You know, you’re really coming across as THAT guy, y’know, the guy who foams at the mouth about fictional women with multi-colored hair who are given as much leeway as any other protagonist in terms of outspokenness.
@Christopher Max Wall: What I mean is that she gets brought down a peg. She’s always portrayed as being in the right no matter what anyone else thinks.
Oh! Fatality! Wait, now I gotta read the rest of the comic- and in several panels Lindsey says what needs to be circled, in relation to Previous Lindsey and co. When you treat people like Kevin does, he should be thankful he was only kicked in the _face_.
Tarotsu- Jocelyn is JB’s favorite Mary Sue. She hasn’t gotten away with murder, because that would be too Mary-Sueish. (It’s not that there hasn’t been lack of canditates. Rick at his worst. Angry Teacher in need of a heart attack, etc. She’s a Forever 16 Simpsons Halloween Treehouse episode waiting to happen some year.) It’s simply never been explained why. Who’s in charge of looking the other way on her police reports? How often is she arrested? How many Bigfoot calls does Miss Persimmons make that turn out to be about Jocelyn?
And I’m with TheJayster on this. Kevin is infinitely more tolerable in this continuity. Rather than his arrogance being part of a twisted evil asshole, his arrogance plays strongly into his comedic value, especially when it, literally, kicks him in the face.
@Christopher Max Well: Once again, you’re putting words in my mouth and accussing me of nonexistent bullshit. You love her, I don’t. Let’s just leave it at that, okay? I don’t know why we’re getting so worked up over a fictional character.
@Tarotsu – Yeah, you just don’t like when she’s doing… anything else besides just be Steve’s girlfriend. You don’t like when she has any agency of her own.
@Christopher Max Well: Don’t put words in my mouth. This has been a problem with Jocelyn ever since Forever 16.
And for the record, I don’t completely hate Jocelyn. I think she has a unique design and her relationship with Steve in the original was cute.
@Tarotsu- For one thing, you’re not really assuaging my concerns that your negativity towards Jocelyn is entirely motivated by narrative issues.
For another thing, this reboot is not even one year through yet and is still a learning experience. Show some patience, please.
@Christopher Max Wall: And that’s the problem. Jocelyn’s enemies are always unlikable jerks. Therefore, she can never be wrong. That’s why she comes off as a Sue to me. Jocelyn should have an enemy on her level where she can’t threaten them with violence or belittle them.
And I’m stating my opinion. I don’t know anything about “that guy” crap you’re speaking of so don’t refer to me as such.
@Tarostu: Because she IS, more often than not. The people she goes up against are bigoted and/or judgmental, closed-minded, etc. Or they’re possessive or otherwise creeps like her (current) girlfriend or Kevin.
You know, you’re really coming across as THAT guy, y’know, the guy who foams at the mouth about fictional women with multi-colored hair who are given as much leeway as any other protagonist in terms of outspokenness.
@Christopher Max Wall: What I mean is that she gets brought down a peg. She’s always portrayed as being in the right no matter what anyone else thinks.
@Tarostu: Comeuppance for what?
I’m kind of digging this new version of Kevin. Still obnoxious and crude, but not the slasher movie villain he was before.
@AlexKuro: Cool story bro. I just think Jocelyn could stand to get some comeuppance every once and a while.
If you made me roll my eyes any more, I’d be suing you for resulting iniuries.
Ever hear of the concept where “Fiction does not have to match reality 100%”?
Plus, I’d rather read/watch something that leaves me satisfied, even if it is unrealistic.
Also, I prefer thus version of Kevin over the scumbag from the last incarnation.
Ah, I am loving this new “assholes get their comeuppance right away instead of six months later” philosophy. So much more satisfying!
Also, Jocelyn is still awesome. That is all.
Good gravy, she roundhoused the shades AND the smugness off his fuccboy face.
Huh. Has JB ever said that Joce studied Taekwondo…?
Oh wow, either Kevin still thinks wrestling is real, or he knows it’s fake but still thinks Hulk Hogan is real.
And to think that, in an alternate timeline, Jocelyn beat Lindsay within a millimeter of her life.
Oh! Fatality! Wait, now I gotta read the rest of the comic- and in several panels Lindsey says what needs to be circled, in relation to Previous Lindsey and co. When you treat people like Kevin does, he should be thankful he was only kicked in the _face_.
Tarotsu- Jocelyn is JB’s favorite Mary Sue. She hasn’t gotten away with murder, because that would be too Mary-Sueish. (It’s not that there hasn’t been lack of canditates. Rick at his worst. Angry Teacher in need of a heart attack, etc. She’s a Forever 16 Simpsons Halloween Treehouse episode waiting to happen some year.) It’s simply never been explained why. Who’s in charge of looking the other way on her police reports? How often is she arrested? How many Bigfoot calls does Miss Persimmons make that turn out to be about Jocelyn?
I don’t like that Joceyln is able to assault or belittle people and get off scot-free. It makes her come off as a Mary-Sue to me.
Also, that “doink” when he misses the trash bin with his soda bottle…
A roundhouse that Chuck Norris would be proud of.
And I’m with TheJayster on this. Kevin is infinitely more tolerable in this continuity. Rather than his arrogance being part of a twisted evil asshole, his arrogance plays strongly into his comedic value, especially when it, literally, kicks him in the face.
Wow Kevin. At least Aaron had a bit more class when it came to trying to pick up girls (and that was before Aaron met Kendra).
Kevin of the old continuity was a rabid pitbull. This one is a yappy chihuahua
HA!! Get dunked on, jerk! XD
Compared to Kevin in the original continuity, this one somehow manages to be more tolerable.