Now, the REAL question is, which dinosaur avatars did they get? Jenny’s helmet appears to have a ridge along the top, so maybe she’s a stegosaurus. As for Eric, no idea. What other well-known dinos are there? Brontosaurus? Ankylosaurus? Velociraptor?
Crazily enough, there would be a Purple Power Ranger in Power Rangers Jungle Fury and Power Rangers Dino Charge, along with an Orange Ranger existing in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.
There she is.
And that’s funny.
Is it just me, or is Evil Barbie hawt?
Now, the REAL question is, which dinosaur avatars did they get? Jenny’s helmet appears to have a ridge along the top, so maybe she’s a stegosaurus. As for Eric, no idea. What other well-known dinos are there? Brontosaurus? Ankylosaurus? Velociraptor?
Jenny’s visor is a heart.
I betcha Jb’s happy he doesn’t do dailies in color right now.
@Jim: I bet Mr. Braddock will interrupt the kids while they are still telling the tale.
Crazily enough, there would be a Purple Power Ranger in Power Rangers Jungle Fury and Power Rangers Dino Charge, along with an Orange Ranger existing in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.
Go go gadget- I mean, Power Rangers!
Why does this have to end tomorrow? This could have run for at least another week.