I can see it now. in our time, Ronaldwill have had a heart attack and have been buried for some time, or Phyllis will finally just see reason and leave him. Phyllis will have a decent talking relationship with Jocelyn where they see each other regularly (once or twice a month), and though she had issues with her daughter’s life choices, and is still vocal about that, is still in a much better place than she is now.
Back then, humanity was tough enough to slaughter woolly mammoths. Now we can’t even spill coffee on our laps without pressing charges, or over getting someone’s pronouns wrong, or over putting a cat in the microwave because the companies never explicitly said you shouldn’t.
I kid. It’s my birthday, so I just felt like making a stupid joke.
@EB Tempest: Do not forget Katy and Tina got their own flashback comics as well (and that reminds me William is the only Maxwell with no one yet). Maybe we could even get one about how Ronald met Phyllis?
Wild thought: We had flashback comics for Joel, Aaron, and Michelle, we absolutely need one for Jocelyn. I want to know what she looked like pre-ink and hair dye as a grade school hellspawn, if Ronald’s line in panel 2 is hinting at anything.
ALASKAN Lobster? As some who grew up in Maine, I am very displeased.
I can see it now. in our time, Ronaldwill have had a heart attack and have been buried for some time, or Phyllis will finally just see reason and leave him. Phyllis will have a decent talking relationship with Jocelyn where they see each other regularly (once or twice a month), and though she had issues with her daughter’s life choices, and is still vocal about that, is still in a much better place than she is now.
I think the real question everyone wants to know is how Ronald actually got his job.
Back then, humanity was tough enough to slaughter woolly mammoths. Now we can’t even spill coffee on our laps without pressing charges, or over getting someone’s pronouns wrong, or over putting a cat in the microwave because the companies never explicitly said you shouldn’t.
I kid. It’s my birthday, so I just felt like making a stupid joke.
You’re older now, Joce. Leave a boob print.
@EBTempest: Someone like Jocelyn, that’s who eats cereal like that.
@EB Tempest: Do not forget Katy and Tina got their own flashback comics as well (and that reminds me William is the only Maxwell with no one yet). Maybe we could even get one about how Ronald met Phyllis?
Yeah, I would definitely like to see Jocelyn in a flashback comic. And the McDonald’s Coffee case, man that was crazy.
Wild thought: We had flashback comics for Joel, Aaron, and Michelle, we absolutely need one for Jocelyn. I want to know what she looked like pre-ink and hair dye as a grade school hellspawn, if Ronald’s line in panel 2 is hinting at anything.
Also who tf eats cereal like that.
All the more reason I’m thankful I’m not a coffee drinker :p