Red Rain, of COURSE, they’re gonna humiliate themselves. That’s the reason they’re in the comic to begin with. Many of us knew that from the moment they volunteered…including me.
(hands Red Rain some popcorn) So grab some ‘corn and enjoy the ride.
Amber just can’t stop watching the disaster. Lindsey actually seems to be managing the behind the scenes adequately.
I wonder if this will be something that Ashly will keep doing in the future. It’s not stranger than chewing one’s nails, or braiding your hair when bored. It’d make for an amusing quirk, but some people lose all their brains when it comes to the chest region.
I do hope that Lindsay helps Katy out here. From what I’m deducing, she might even take the wrap for if or when the two pretty much faint from stage fright. Something about Lindsay’s character now, is a hell of a lot better than the last one.
Red Rain, of COURSE, they’re gonna humiliate themselves. That’s the reason they’re in the comic to begin with. Many of us knew that from the moment they volunteered…including me.
(hands Red Rain some popcorn) So grab some ‘corn and enjoy the ride.
I’m not sure if we’ve seen Katy without her glasses before. Um, shower scene not withstanding…
Amber just can’t stop watching the disaster. Lindsey actually seems to be managing the behind the scenes adequately.
I wonder if this will be something that Ashly will keep doing in the future. It’s not stranger than chewing one’s nails, or braiding your hair when bored. It’d make for an amusing quirk, but some people lose all their brains when it comes to the chest region.
I know that JB has written and probably drawn this entire arc now, but what if K&A pull it off and actually do well?
I do hope that Lindsay helps Katy out here. From what I’m deducing, she might even take the wrap for if or when the two pretty much faint from stage fright. Something about Lindsay’s character now, is a hell of a lot better than the last one.
Oooh boy. Katy is already getting Stage Fright. Why do I have a feeling that Katy and Ashleigh are going to end up humiliating themselves?
I guess A-cup angst isn’t just exclusive to 14-year-olds