@ Samuel: True. But that amount of anger you’re feeling would be better spent towards ACTUAL people & not fictional ones. These next 2 weeks are (most likely) gonna be Deb’s last appearances so you don’t have to worry about that for much longer.
@Tarotsu She’s a freakin’ psychopath. She’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants, even if it’s at everyone else’s (and particularly her own son’s) expense. She’s just so toxic. People like her deserve to be dead.
Oh, Deb’s starting to crack and not just around the edges. Was that a signature line for Larry? I wasn’t old enough to care at the time.
If Deb doesn’t know what a fluffernutter is, and nutter she’s becoming, she’s probably going to got mailed a bunch of very unhealthy cookbooks soon. Right up there with the Elvis peanut butter and banana fried sandwich. I don’t think they should dare to quiz Deb’s knowledge of the names of german clocks either, there’s a child in the audience.
Shut up, Joel!
The only “Nutter” here is you, Deb!
Also, loving how even CNN is sick of her. XD
Deb is about to explode at any moment and has still to face the consequences of always thinking about what is best (or thinks is best) for her son.
Also, I just noticed Jacob’s hairstyle looks a lot like Craig’s.
@Rod G – Jesse has made it readily clear that the old continuity is done and over with. The old Tina is gone, Deb took her place, GET OVER IT ALREADY.
Bloody called it!!
Fluffernutter. That does sound a little bit suggestive when you think about it.
Her subtitle changed again. XD
Beat it, Joel. This already some good TV
Now she a Professional Meddler. Let’s hear it for the titling folks!
And Joel, sorry, but not right now. Meltdown in progress.
@ Samuel: True. But that amount of anger you’re feeling would be better spent towards ACTUAL people & not fictional ones. These next 2 weeks are (most likely) gonna be Deb’s last appearances so you don’t have to worry about that for much longer.
@Tarotsu She’s a freakin’ psychopath. She’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants, even if it’s at everyone else’s (and particularly her own son’s) expense. She’s just so toxic. People like her deserve to be dead.
@Zach Kenny: Yeah, I’m getting the feeling someone at CNN HQ is already tired of Deb.
Hurricane Deb is about to have a complete Category 5 meltdown in front of millions of people! Serves her right.
Deb: Well, two can play at this game, Tina. I took the liberty of calling someone a few minutes ago.
(Rage filled yelling can be heard)
Tina: Mom?
@Samuel Davis: Damn dude, did Deb kill your family or something?
Oh, Deb’s starting to crack and not just around the edges. Was that a signature line for Larry? I wasn’t old enough to care at the time.
If Deb doesn’t know what a fluffernutter is, and nutter she’s becoming, she’s probably going to got mailed a bunch of very unhealthy cookbooks soon. Right up there with the Elvis peanut butter and banana fried sandwich. I don’t think they should dare to quiz Deb’s knowledge of the names of german clocks either, there’s a child in the audience.
Shut up, Joel!
I hope this story ends with Debbie’s ex-husband suddenly showing up and blowing her brains out. Debbie NEEDS to die. She DESERVES to die.
The cracks are showing. Deb is ready to blow up soon enough. And this is being broadcasted nationwide, so the facade is about to come crumbling down.
Shh, go away, Joel, mommy’s busy
Oooh, Mt. Deb is about to erupt~!
I figured there’d be a running gag with Deb’s TV subtitle constantly changing. (love gags like that)
That wasn’t smart on Tina’s part. Deb will call the cops and say Tina kidnapped Jacob.
Tactical nuke, INCOMING!