Ronald, I knew you weren’t an actual Christian, but now you prove yourself to be one of those stupidly bigoted pray the gay away types too? And here I thought my opinions of the man couldn’t sink any lower
Ronald, do the words “Unrighteous Dominion” mean anything to you? You are treading on some *very* dangerous ground now. Turn back, lest ye be so destroyed.
Let’s be honest, Ronald was probably just WAITING for a chance to bust out the “forcible conversion” tactics. He’s probably wanted to do this for years.
Also, you tried “do unto others” and it didn’t work, eh? In case you forgot, the Golden Rule in its entirety is “do unto others as you would have done to you“. So you’re saying you want others to treat you like shit and berate you for everything you do or say, right, Ronald? Sure, we can do that, no problem!
Ronald, I knew you weren’t an actual Christian, but now you prove yourself to be one of those stupidly bigoted pray the gay away types too? And here I thought my opinions of the man couldn’t sink any lower
Tch yeah okay. Can’t wait to see how this backfires.
Ronald, do the words “Unrighteous Dominion” mean anything to you? You are treading on some *very* dangerous ground now. Turn back, lest ye be so destroyed.
Let’s be honest, Ronald was probably just WAITING for a chance to bust out the “forcible conversion” tactics. He’s probably wanted to do this for years.
Also, you tried “do unto others” and it didn’t work, eh? In case you forgot, the Golden Rule in its entirety is “do unto others as you would have done to you“. So you’re saying you want others to treat you like shit and berate you for everything you do or say, right, Ronald? Sure, we can do that, no problem!
Ohhh, great. It’s “But I’m a Cheerleader!” five years before the film came out. Guess we know where Mr. Peterson got the idea from.
And I wondered where this was lurking in the background. Phyllis is seeing a moral event horizon, maybe…
“How can you say no to an offer like this?”
“Give me a second, I can think of one…”
Is she hiding something we aren’t aware of? Something that makes this boot camp sound not worth it?
Or is she thinking Jocelyn may just escape easily? Or she will drive everyone there crazy?
Phyllis doesn’t seem to have a problem with Joce not being straight – unlike Ronald.
Just when nothing could be worse…
This is a new low for Ronald. But I bet Jocelyn will already be 18 years old by the time he tries to pull this stunt.
Well, Fuck. Just when I thought Ronald couldn’t sink any lower, he pulls this.
Oh no!
It doesn’t look like Phyllis is on board with this. Could this be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?
It’s too bad that when that Bible was shut, Ronald’s head wasn’t between the pages.
Ronald’s scheme going ka-blooey in a Wile E. Coyote-esque style in three, two, one…
Oh, this isn’t gonna end well.
Oooooh boy, here it comes.