Deb is a very cleaned up version of the “Tina, destructive crazy mother”, who was a caricature of the sort of panicky idiots that parents were being in the 90s over taking things away from their children, and blaming both said things and said children for whatever said parents were in a hissy fit about. Reasons varied wildly, very wildly for that, as they were likely making things up as they went along. A law is less (changeable by the second for made up reasons by crazy people), though it should be stated that laws need flexibility too.
Jacob should get to watch safe shows like Ninja Turtles. There’s no swearing, sex, or actual violence. Musicians should not get to swear when writing song lyrics. Big difference. “Like a virgin”? Borderline acceptable is still acceptable. “**** the police”? Not acceptable.
@ M: Funny you mention that. I’ve been trying to keep track of how many days are technically covered with each year of this NNS timeline. (I like doing that with like a season of TV since it’s not always “one episode = one day”)
Watch Jacob absolutely annihilate her!
And I’m betting Tina will take the place of Tina’s mother here.
And you’re right @The Jayster: NOT THE BEEEEEEEEEES!
You got this, Jacob! Go get ’em!
Mole204 really be like “Ooooooh noooooo…….the adult musicians are using words I don’t like ooohhhh”
JB’s characterization of Dan Quayle is just slightly more intelligent than The Critic’s, and I’m all here for that.
Wait… that was Jacob on the phone?
Oh-ho-ho, I wonder now how he’s gonna treat his mother on live TV.
Jacob is a martyr.
Oooo. Getting dunked on by your own flesh and blood! This is too rich.
Deb is a very cleaned up version of the “Tina, destructive crazy mother”, who was a caricature of the sort of panicky idiots that parents were being in the 90s over taking things away from their children, and blaming both said things and said children for whatever said parents were in a hissy fit about. Reasons varied wildly, very wildly for that, as they were likely making things up as they went along. A law is less (changeable by the second for made up reasons by crazy people), though it should be stated that laws need flexibility too.
Jacob should get to watch safe shows like Ninja Turtles. There’s no swearing, sex, or actual violence. Musicians should not get to swear when writing song lyrics. Big difference. “Like a virgin”? Borderline acceptable is still acceptable. “**** the police”? Not acceptable.
@ M: Funny you mention that. I’ve been trying to keep track of how many days are technically covered with each year of this NNS timeline. (I like doing that with like a season of TV since it’s not always “one episode = one day”)
Hell Yeah!! Way to go Jacob!! Deb, you are about to learn that pride comes before the fall.
Give it 28 years, Danny Boy!
To JB, can each daily strip be considered the equivalent of a scene in a screenplay, with each week an act?
*ask Nicolas Cage.
@ Jayster: Or Batman by way of Linkara. “Bees. My God.”
Ooooohhhh, dis gon’ be guuuuud!
Whoop! Kid got over his stage fright!
Ooooh, it’s-a beginning, folks~!
Oh, fuck *yes*. Jacob, this is your time to shine, buddy.
It begins.
Also, Quayle IS right about the dangers of bees. Just as Nicolas Cage.