@KaptainJay: I 100% did not make that up. That was Madonna’s specialty in the early ’90s – finding new ways to shock the world. Mostly she did it to troll uptight prudes like Deb, so I couldn’t resist including her on this celebrity panel
Freezer- yeah, the people who are supposed to be making sure it’s safe give random’ looks OK’ movies to kids, or to play music freely without squinting at lyric sheets stopped doing their job. Pools have filters, and for the same reason.
a) The Fairness Doctrine was abolished by Congress five years before the events of this comic.
b) As somone who would’ve been just old enough to legally buy Sex, I remember the “What about the children” moral panic. Then and now, parents expect celebrities to police themselves and sanitize products that were never meant for minor eyes (and ignore efforts to do just that when they interfere with their narrative of indignation).
There’s a big difference between “dump your responsibilities on the government” and to have the authorized weight of the government behind Deb’s plan. A plan which was already supposed to be preformed by the Broadcast standards, the movie rating system, and the “Fairness doctrine”. All of which seem to have stopped doing their job since profanity and sexual content kept getting to movies and music- work often subsidized by the arts wing of the government. And all so that Madonna can’t make the obviously baseless, false, and stupid, accusation she does in the last panel. Which while is JB’s writing, Madonna’s probably said as much somewhere, sometime.
For all the shade the comic constantly throws at pop music, I’m pleasantly surprised by how positively Madonna is portrayed here. Spitting facts about parental responsibility and being the only other adult besides Tina and William (and Jay Leno too I suppose) to see how crazy this whole bill is.
@KaptainJay: I 100% did not make that up. That was Madonna’s specialty in the early ’90s – finding new ways to shock the world. Mostly she did it to troll uptight prudes like Deb, so I couldn’t resist including her on this celebrity panel
Did Madonna actually do that, publish a pornographic book in a childproof bag? Are those really a thing?
Freezer- yeah, the people who are supposed to be making sure it’s safe give random’ looks OK’ movies to kids, or to play music freely without squinting at lyric sheets stopped doing their job. Pools have filters, and for the same reason.
Madonna’s spitting the truth straight up in the third panel.
a) The Fairness Doctrine was abolished by Congress five years before the events of this comic.
b) As somone who would’ve been just old enough to legally buy Sex, I remember the “What about the children” moral panic. Then and now, parents expect celebrities to police themselves and sanitize products that were never meant for minor eyes (and ignore efforts to do just that when they interfere with their narrative of indignation).
Who would have guessed that Madonna was the SMARTEST of the three guests?!
Maybe that’s Deb’s problem, she hasn’t been getting any.
There’s a big difference between “dump your responsibilities on the government” and to have the authorized weight of the government behind Deb’s plan. A plan which was already supposed to be preformed by the Broadcast standards, the movie rating system, and the “Fairness doctrine”. All of which seem to have stopped doing their job since profanity and sexual content kept getting to movies and music- work often subsidized by the arts wing of the government. And all so that Madonna can’t make the obviously baseless, false, and stupid, accusation she does in the last panel. Which while is JB’s writing, Madonna’s probably said as much somewhere, sometime.
Man, Madonna throwing that shade.
For all the shade the comic constantly throws at pop music, I’m pleasantly surprised by how positively Madonna is portrayed here. Spitting facts about parental responsibility and being the only other adult besides Tina and William (and Jay Leno too I suppose) to see how crazy this whole bill is.
Oh damn, Madonna comin’ in hot!