October 10, 1990 Oct10 by jbwarner86 on October 10, 2020 at 12:00 am Chapter: 10/8/90 - 10/14/90: Algebra and Chemistry └ Tags: Joel, Michelle
Probably better to get kissy-time out of the way and focus on the math later.
It just occured to me while reading this that I remember nothing from my high school math classes.
@chris Wolvie, the a’s cancel out. The answer is just 6
Anyone else getting That 70s Show flashbacks or is it just me?
Then again, it would be just like Katie to sneak into the house and walk right into Joel’s bedroom…
Teenagers will be teenagers.
Oh,…and b = 6/a is the solution.
Aaaaaaaaaand cue the parents coming home early to see them in their underwear…CLASSIC sitcom gag.
@TheJayster49 I know what you mean . . .
Well, so much for self-control. That’s hormones for you.
I meant to write “than THE last time…”
It’s been a long day for me…
Hopefully this’ll go better than I last time they decided to… fool around XD