Plob- but that’s nearly the only way to get the politicians to not keep all of the money for themselves. That or you could open a “re-election supplies” shop, but I think that market’s covered and in-crowd’d.
No, you see Jesus was a PRIVATE citizen giving away HIS stuff to the deserving. When the Government does it, they’re taking OUR money and giving it to those undeserving poor/”urban” folks.
Yeah, Ron’s in need of a long rest. If Joscelin is aware of any of this, she’s probably laughing herself sick. Of course, Ron’s idea of future events is probably _very_ one sided. Nearly a 4 year long disaster movie. That’s how long presidents get to leech off the state, right?
Shouldn’t she have said “bell tower”, not “ledge”?
Plob- but that’s nearly the only way to get the politicians to not keep all of the money for themselves. That or you could open a “re-election supplies” shop, but I think that market’s covered and in-crowd’d.
No, you see Jesus was a PRIVATE citizen giving away HIS stuff to the deserving. When the Government does it, they’re taking OUR money and giving it to those undeserving poor/”urban” folks.
Definitely wrong on the last one there, Ron.
Come on, Ronald, do realize there is still hope for you and prevent yourself from getting into another crazed villain.
Can he die please?
@Toon-Resurrection92: Ronald follows the prosperity gospel
I thought helping the poor is what being a decent christian is about. But I guess if it’s the ones that pray under the same roof as you.
I’m thinking it’s a long time since Ronald has satisfied Phyllis…
To quote Iago: “Ho boy. He’s cracked! He’s gone nuts!!”
At this rate all of the adults are going to the nut house!
Yeah, Ron’s in need of a long rest. If Joscelin is aware of any of this, she’s probably laughing herself sick. Of course, Ron’s idea of future events is probably _very_ one sided. Nearly a 4 year long disaster movie. That’s how long presidents get to leech off the state, right?
When even the rich white woman thinks the Christian fundamentalist is a nutjob.
Wow, just when I thought Ron couldn’t get any more insufferable.
… Is he still wearing his housecoat?