Part of me hopes she leaves him and realizes she doesn’t have to be an Uber Chrisitan to enjoy life, because I honestly think she is a lot more like her daughter that she cares to admit and is worried about letting it out.
Ron really has some tunnel vision there. Or is it “cult of personality” towards Republicans? Throwing Ron to an arena of lions would only caffeinate the lions.
I don’t remember the Clinton hate ramping up until the Gingrich years. Or maybe I wasn’t old enough to notice.
Well this seems very apt with this strip:
I will feel that way in the 2012 election, Ron, but you won’t see me acting like it’s Judgement Day!
John 3:16 And the Lord said “ Don’t Change the Team in the Middle of the Stream”
I wonder how long it’ll take for anyone else to notice the sarcastic inflections in Phyllis’s responses….
All of them, Phyllis. All religions have been persecuted more than Christians.
Part of me hopes she leaves him and realizes she doesn’t have to be an Uber Chrisitan to enjoy life, because I honestly think she is a lot more like her daughter that she cares to admit and is worried about letting it out.
You might want to read about Lilburn Boggs before asking that question, Phyllis. And that’s just by staying within Christianity.
Phyllis: “Has there ever been a religious group more persecuted than us?”
Every Jew on Earth: “…Hold my Shmaltz.”
@Red Rain
Or Sky News Australia for that matter.
Good god Ronald. Have a smoke and a poop why don’t ya?
Also, I can’t help but here Drew Pickles voice every time Ronald speaks.
Unrelated to the current situation, but Phyllis is really gorgeous. JB has a knack for drawing appealing female characters.
Wowzers. Not exactly “denying the results”…but a lean in that direction, no doubt.
Speaking of your Psalms, speaking of John 3:16, I must make it to 2026 just to see if Ron has a reaction to Austin 3:16.
Holy Hannah!! The wife is a very naive woman!!!
And now Ronny’s off on a crusade. You should pour a little brandy into the guy’s coffee cup, Phyl.
And this is why I stay away from Fox News.
Ron really has some tunnel vision there. Or is it “cult of personality” towards Republicans? Throwing Ron to an arena of lions would only caffeinate the lions.
Maybe walk an inch in nonwhite, non-Christian shoes and find out, fuckwads.
This is your brain on Fox News.
Any questions?
How this man even breaths is beyond me.