November 30, 1993 Nov30 by jbwarner86 on November 30, 2023 at 12:00 am Chapter: 11/29/93 - 12/5/93: Toys And Girls └ Tags: Jenny, Louise, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Louise is from a post boomer Asian American family. They were more misogynistic than a lot of mid west and southern white families at the time.
Power Rangers ain’t just for boys, Louise.
Yeah, for Louise I think this is less about Power Rangers being just for boys, and more about her own personal expectations for her daughter, what SHE wants her daughter to be like.
Huh. Don’t remember Power Rangers being so heavily “boy” marketed. Everyone watched it.
I was a girl who liked Power Rangers,I even had the Yellow and Pink Ranger Barbies!
Louise is clearly stuck in the middle ages….
Oh boy… of all people to judge her interests, the FIRST one just HAD to be her own mom!
Looks like Louise has spent much time with Liv.
And what exactly is “normal,” Louise? I’ve seen plenty of girls who like Power Rangers/Super Sentai.
Geez, and I thought Eric’s parents were unsupportive.
Miss Louise, you already lost that battle. lol