@Chris Wolvie: Very true. Hell, Juliet was only thirteen when she married Romeo, and even that was still older than the norm. (Act 1, Scene 2: “She hath not seen the change of fourteen years.” …”Younger than she are happy mothers made.”)
Eh wasn’t exactly a trend at that point. By the 60s and 70s they were making heroines more active, 101 Dalmatians Robin Hood, The Rescuers. Heck even Black Cauldron an 80s properties was bucking the trend, just it’s failure didn’t get people to notice. Trust me Disney had proactive heroines long before 90s, that era just refined it more. But every generation thinks this is something new to them rather then be the norm, so round the loop we go.
Also poo, was hoping you put a spotlight on the 92 Dracula film which came out around this point in the 90s. Was curious to see how the cast would’ve reacted to that.
Wonder how Kendra would react to current Disney, where the bad guys are personal trauma and inter-generational conflict.
Side note: But this comment system won’t let me post if I’m on my normal network (T-Mobile Home). But if I switch to my phone’s hotspot, it posts with no issue. My carrier is Metro, which uses T-Mobile’s network. #MakeItMakeSense
Actually, Steve, in medieval Europe (where “Sleeping Beauty” is set), 16 would’ve been considered “old” when it comes to marriage and copulation. By today’s European standards, it would be illegal. By the standards back then, Kings Stephan and Hubert would be wondering WTH is taking Philip and Aurora so long to get hitched!
It’s always a peasant, a princess, and radical political reform. At least no one’s throwing bombs through windows. (Like in a “and is never mentioned again” scene in the musical Annie.) Maybe it’s the change in text, but Jasmine sounds like she’s just using Al to cause chaos in the system to alleviate boredom.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But can she open an art gallery?
I miss the old version where this was a dream sequence where Kendra realized her feelings for Aaron, but I guess that really wouldn’t fit in this timeline.
@Chris Wolvie: Very true. Hell, Juliet was only thirteen when she married Romeo, and even that was still older than the norm. (Act 1, Scene 2: “She hath not seen the change of fourteen years.” …”Younger than she are happy mothers made.”)
@TheJayster49: Happy birthday, dude!
@Toonlegion Superman died that year in the comics and made no reference as well, but still…
And I almost forgot: HBD, @TheJayster49!
There are a lot of cute couples in this series, But Aaron and Kendra have got to be my favorite
Eh wasn’t exactly a trend at that point. By the 60s and 70s they were making heroines more active, 101 Dalmatians Robin Hood, The Rescuers. Heck even Black Cauldron an 80s properties was bucking the trend, just it’s failure didn’t get people to notice. Trust me Disney had proactive heroines long before 90s, that era just refined it more. But every generation thinks this is something new to them rather then be the norm, so round the loop we go.
Also poo, was hoping you put a spotlight on the 92 Dracula film which came out around this point in the 90s. Was curious to see how the cast would’ve reacted to that.
Wonder how Kendra would react to current Disney, where the bad guys are personal trauma and inter-generational conflict.
Side note: But this comment system won’t let me post if I’m on my normal network (T-Mobile Home). But if I switch to my phone’s hotspot, it posts with no issue. My carrier is Metro, which uses T-Mobile’s network. #MakeItMakeSense
@TheJayster49 Happy Birthday!
Kendra and Aaron are just an awesome couple!
Happy birthday, Jay.
And now I can’t wait for them to watch The Lion King in a couple years
Yes! Aladdin!
Also, Happy Birthday to you, @TheJayster49.
Not to mention nearly getting melted alive trying to retrieve said gravy boat… Thanks for that, Jafar.
Also… Happy Birthday @TheJayster49!!
I think we all know what “reforms” would entail. Lower working hours. Yeah baby!
Strange how an ancient Persian Princess knows who Batman is.
Had Aladdin convinced Jasmine that way, the movie would have ended so quickly.
Actually, Steve, in medieval Europe (where “Sleeping Beauty” is set), 16 would’ve been considered “old” when it comes to marriage and copulation. By today’s European standards, it would be illegal. By the standards back then, Kings Stephan and Hubert would be wondering WTH is taking Philip and Aurora so long to get hitched!
These guys are such lovable dorks.
@TheJayster49 HB, dude. Is the present as good as you hoped?
Man, Aladdin is such a great film. Definitely one of Disney’s best.
I gotta say, Kendra is pretty gorgeous as Jasmine, not gonna lie XD
It’s always a peasant, a princess, and radical political reform. At least no one’s throwing bombs through windows. (Like in a “and is never mentioned again” scene in the musical Annie.) Maybe it’s the change in text, but Jasmine sounds like she’s just using Al to cause chaos in the system to alleviate boredom.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But can she open an art gallery?
I miss the old version where this was a dream sequence where Kendra realized her feelings for Aaron, but I guess that really wouldn’t fit in this timeline.
Today is my birthday and one of my favorite webcomics is referencing my favorite animated movie ever. Ain’t that something? XD