The apparently DID test out the accuracy of the film. Before one frame of filming, they had Robin Williams dress up as Mrs. Doubtfire and had him walk around and talk to people on the street. Everyone just thought it was a taller than normal old lady.
Bill Corbett: “And there we have it: the costume that makes attending ComicCon bearable.”
Kevin Murphy: “And, in a few outlining cases, much, MUCH worse!”
Bill: “Yeah, you saw that guy, too?”
Oh, hey, I remember this one! Steve really does pull off that look pretty well still.
@TheJayster49: How Steve is able to tuck in his junk we’ll never know.
The apparently DID test out the accuracy of the film. Before one frame of filming, they had Robin Williams dress up as Mrs. Doubtfire and had him walk around and talk to people on the street. Everyone just thought it was a taller than normal old lady.
Bill Corbett: “And there we have it: the costume that makes attending ComicCon bearable.”
Kevin Murphy: “And, in a few outlining cases, much, MUCH worse!”
Bill: “Yeah, you saw that guy, too?”
To be fair, the look required a multi-piece prosthetics system in order to disguise Williams’ face…
@ZachKenny: I’m wondering the same.
Also with the Secret of Mana strip we’ve now seen two of the main male cast as women. Aaron’s the only one left.
Joel, there’s only one cure for that being in your head – borrow the costume and ask Michelle to put it on.
Once again, Steve continues to crush it in the costuming department. Still looking forward to see how (or if) this’ll happen in 2 years.
Daaaaang. Jocelyn’s gonne be bummed she missed this.
Wait until he watches The Birdcage in 1996!
I learned that Robin Williams and Harvey Fierstein should have been paired up more often.
Dang, Steve looks good dressed as a woman.
Steve makes a pretty lady, no lie.