November 13, 1990 Nov13 by jbwarner86 on November 13, 2020 at 12:00 am Chapter: 11/5/90 - 11/18/90: Artists Always Suffer └ Tags: Aaron, Kendra, The Simpsons
My girl Kendra is getting her morning caffeine. She’ll need it for the big let down she’s about to get.
Tiny Toons ended up doing that joke one or two years later,
Aaron said “This is my OC, Bort Sampson. Do not steal!”
Ah, so Kedra IS an artist! That coffee had better get drunk. I don’t know how many pages that is but she’d better stop by the photocopy room.
Hope the all-nighter will be worth, Kendra. Also, is it just me, or does Bart Simpson in the third panel look like he’s wearing glasses?
How much you wanna bet that the feedback Kendra gets isn’t what she hoped it would be? I mean, considering the universe has it out for these guys.