She’s been 16 for 5 years, is a cartoon, and more to the real point- JB isn’t taking steps to avoid drawing anatomy, or restricting the comic to 4 panels of headshots.
He’s a bird, right? So throw him. It’s a very Bugs Bunny line for Kangaroo to look at the camera and say “Birds are very aerodynamic. No brains to weigh them down.”
I wonder how much of her plans Kendra will forget when she wakes up the next morning.
Kendra is an entirely different creature. Extremely nocturnal.
She’s been 16 for 5 years, is a cartoon, and more to the real point- JB isn’t taking steps to avoid drawing anatomy, or restricting the comic to 4 panels of headshots.
@Taigan: she’s a child.
Me: wow, it’s really cool to see Kendra getting so into all this!
Also me: wow, it’s really cool to see Michelle’s cleavage in panel 3!
Minor style note: you forgot the little “over the phone” zigzag on Kendra’s speech bubble in panel 3.
Wow! She must be REALLY excited! XD
When you get into a creative mood, it can be hard to stop. That’s some dedication by Kendra right there.
He’s a bird, right? So throw him. It’s a very Bugs Bunny line for Kangaroo to look at the camera and say “Birds are very aerodynamic. No brains to weigh them down.”
I wonder how much of her plans Kendra will forget when she wakes up the next morning.
Kendra seems to be doing better than most people who stay up til one in the morning just to get artwork done. I’ll give her that.