November 10, 1993 Nov10 by jbwarner86 on November 10, 2023 at 12:00 am Chapter: 11/8/93 - 11/14/93: Boy Meets Worldview └ Tags: Boy Meets World, Eric, Jenny, Mr. Braddock
@TV Head: When she said she liked soggy pizza, she MEANT IT.
I think I have that book.
LOL with the last panel XD
Is that a slice of pizza inside a glass of milk?
Heehee, the “marriage” subject suddenly popped up!
Also, was that supposed to be “prank-calling” in the first panel, or did Jenny actually intentionally put it as “crank-calling”?
Yeah, this could go either way.
“I’ve seen tons of crap in my life.”
Yeah and he’s probably- no, DEFINITELY one of those folks who have just learned to accept it rather than actively try to do anything about it.