May 31, 1994 May31 by jbwarner86 on May 31, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 5/30/94 - 6/12/94: The Fellowship of the Kerrang └ Tags: Joel, Russell, Tina
Guy’s got “Church Youth Group Leader” written all over him.
Really want Joel to be like “Russel? Can I ask you something? I won’t be upset. I’d just really like to know. … are you the anti-Christ? You are, aren’t you?”
@plocb: For a carbon monoxide leak, if nothing… else.
Okay manger or not, I would’ve pulverized him for that.
I certainly hope Joel wasn’t… thinking about Michelle at the time.
OK, this has left “weird” territory and moved into “WTF.” Someone check Russell’s basement.
Do I need to say anything? The comments and the strip itself already point out what’s wrong in this scenario.
Yup. He is definitely OBSESSED with Joel.
Yep. Called it
I mean, not this specifically, but yeah
Whoa, FUCKING WHOA DUDE. You are DEFINITELY going to jail, Russell!
I’m pretty sure Joel could press charges against Russell for this
You could have just called him, Russell. And Lollapalooza too?!
I know Russell’s still technically a teen, but he certainly seems… eager to see Joel nude.