@Dollars to Donuts: Jocelyn said they were Christian. Christians get to pick and choose whether they listen to the Pope or certain parts of the Bible, to my understanding.
Is there confirmation that Phony Ronny is catholic? He seems to fit squarely into the loonier, WASPier section of the Lutheran Church. I mean, it wouldn’t be outta place what with the Minnesota setting and all.
And why would Ron, who calls his daughter the “Whore of Babylon”, actually be SHOCKED by seeing said “whore” doing her “business” with Steve? Guessing he just doesn’t want his carpet “stained” like that, eh?
Seriously, he says he’s a hardline Catholic…and, yet, he’s a divorce attorney? Didn’t He say “what God has brought together, let no one separate”? Oh, wait, Ron is like Frank Burns: only listens to the parts of the Bible that make HIM look good and everyone else look like trash…especially his wife and daughter.
@Dollars to Donuts: Jocelyn said they were Christian. Christians get to pick and choose whether they listen to the Pope or certain parts of the Bible, to my understanding.
Source: https://1990somethingcomic.com/comic/april-2-1991/
Is there confirmation that Phony Ronny is catholic? He seems to fit squarely into the loonier, WASPier section of the Lutheran Church. I mean, it wouldn’t be outta place what with the Minnesota setting and all.
That’s my best impression of a studio audience.
I’m sure they didn’t block the door with something, either…
And why would Ron, who calls his daughter the “Whore of Babylon”, actually be SHOCKED by seeing said “whore” doing her “business” with Steve? Guessing he just doesn’t want his carpet “stained” like that, eh?
Seriously, he says he’s a hardline Catholic…and, yet, he’s a divorce attorney? Didn’t He say “what God has brought together, let no one separate”? Oh, wait, Ron is like Frank Burns: only listens to the parts of the Bible that make HIM look good and everyone else look like trash…especially his wife and daughter.
Red Rain: Given that happened in the original continuity’s version of this arc, I’m certain they will in this remake
Why do I get the feeling that Ron and Phyllis are going to walk in on those two?
The bombshell is going to be dropped in 3… 2…