At this time, the tags have not returned from their break. A supervisor is being sent to check on them, and make sure they haven’t had a similar mishap to Aaron. The tags will hopefully be back on the field soon.
Despite not mentioning the “Knightfall” storyline, this is a very good reference, although it happened to Homer Simpson as well in the “Big Brother” episode.
At this time, the tags have not returned from their break. A supervisor is being sent to check on them, and make sure they haven’t had a similar mishap to Aaron. The tags will hopefully be back on the field soon.
Oof! That’s gonna be sore in the morning.
Also, heads up, JB: you seem to be missing the tags on this strip.
@Ghost. Yup. It’s really hard to believe that.
Aaron might be out of commission for a while. 😖
Am pretty sure that speaker diving will not become a thing.
How many more gigs do they have to complete?
Oh, that’s gonna hurt in the morning.
Despite not mentioning the “Knightfall” storyline, this is a very good reference, although it happened to Homer Simpson as well in the “Big Brother” episode.
@Tarotsu Dude is clumsy AF. Let’s hope he doesn’t do any big stunts in the future. XD
Aaron is becoming susceptible to pain when he gets overconfident heh
Aaron got Bane’d by an amp (or speaker, I can’t tell). Only Aaron, I tell ya
Oof, I felt that one, Aaron.
Lars has passed the torch to Aaron even if he didn’t mean to, and he paid a painful price for it LOL
And with that, Lindsay and her friends are headed off to College. They’ve offically become adults.
Who the fuck is cutting onions?