May 21, 1994 May21 by jbwarner86 on May 21, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 5/16/94 - 5/22/94: New Dork State of Mind └ Tags: Aaron, Joel
Or we can just wait and see what happens in a later storyline? =P Your killing me here Jessie, haha.
That said, hope that optimism holds Aaron, I get the feeling it’s gonna get worse before it gets better.
Aaron has about seven years left to fulfill his wish in the first panel.
I’m seeing SOMETHING breaking “by the time they get to Woodstock”…
Aaron is the gorilla glue of the group, Russell’s at best, a washable glue stick. And that’s me being generous with the comparisons here.
Aaron is superglue, Russell is spit.
Man, I really admire Aaron’s optimism and patience.
Either he’ll crack at some point or he’ll be the ticket to persuade Russell to actually listen to the band’s opinions and not let Russ call all the shots.
Honestly, it’s nice to see Aaron trying to stay on the positive side of things.
It looks like we will have to wait until Woodstock to see what will happen between Russell and Westworld.
Aaron, you’re a saint among saints…and Russell’s a jackass in a class of his own.
Russell’s ego may catch up with him soon.
Aaron’s happy to be on TV at least. Wonder if that makes him comparable to MC Hammer