Well, Mr. Mulroney or should I say Janito Baloney, after you’ve scrubbed all the floors in Walter Mondale High, then we can talk about mercy. You should especiLly thank the superintendent for demoting you to janitorial duty because if it were up to me, I’d personally fire you & toss your ass in the slammer in that specific order!
Aww, what a fitting ending. Lindsay gets to graduate with her friends, the school gets a new principal who actually cares about the students, and Mulroney, who has spent the last 20 years spewing shit, now gets to spend the next 20 years cleaning up shit. Everybody wins! Except Mulroney!
Not much to say here, save to note that the teachers at my graduation wore robes befitting their station and denoting the degrees they earned to be teachers.
All in all, a fitting end to this particular storyline. May the new lowest level janitor do his job, for a change.
Well, Mr. Mulroney or should I say Janito Baloney, after you’ve scrubbed all the floors in Walter Mondale High, then we can talk about mercy. You should especiLly thank the superintendent for demoting you to janitorial duty because if it were up to me, I’d personally fire you & toss your ass in the slammer in that specific order!
Aww, what a fitting ending. Lindsay gets to graduate with her friends, the school gets a new principal who actually cares about the students, and Mulroney, who has spent the last 20 years spewing shit, now gets to spend the next 20 years cleaning up shit. Everybody wins! Except Mulroney!
@Freezer: Yup, it looks like he did get his promotion to vice principal or something.
Not much to say here, save to note that the teachers at my graduation wore robes befitting their station and denoting the degrees they earned to be teachers.
All in all, a fitting end to this particular storyline. May the new lowest level janitor do his job, for a change.
Even Mr. Tucker looks… “Cheerful” is too strong a word. “Less ‘FTW'” perhaps?
Now THAT’S some delicious karma right there!
Plus, Mrs. Hillard… AWWWW, what a lovely speech!
Good news: Lindsay and crew has finally graduated AND Dorkroney has been demoted.
Bad news: Now Kevin has to spend an entire year feeling so fucking alone without his sister and his girlfriend.
Happy endings!
Holy cats! Wexler wasn’t BSing when he told Moron-y to clean the toilets!
bortaS bIr jablu’DI’ reH QaQqu’ nay’!
Aw, and he’s not even the _Chief_ Maintenance Engineer.
What a great send off to some amazing kids. It will be pretty interesting to see what adventures they will all go through together.
Wouldn’t it be great if Mulroney’s wig was recycled into his mop? (don’t question how that’d realistically work, it’d just be more great karma)
Mulroney’s toupee is now his literal mop top.
He even lost his toupee XD
How the mighty fall. Glad Mrs. Hilliard is now in charge. At least she gives a damn about the student body.
@ExxorD *sniffle* They grow up so fast!
And thus, an era ends
Serves Mulroney right. Way to go Lindsay!!
The guy’s demoted and lost his toupee, talk about a humilation conga XD