@Chris Wolvie
Or how about her ex husband? Where we discover the true reasons for why they’re divorced and why she’s attempting to get rid of all sex-related imagery in the media.
“Wait… so let’s get this straight… the reason you are trying to get rid of sexual stuff seen everywhere in movies and shows and whatnot… is to get back at your ex husband? We thought you were doing this for the children.”
Pfft, Deb’s one of those types that just has to get the last word huh? Honestly Tina really should just ignore her, you give her attention of course she’s gonna keep indulging in her delusion/. At the end of the day it’s the results from those actions that matter, not someone”claiming” they’re doing but just blowing out hot air and can’t see the forest before the trees. Besides sooner or later, if Deb keeps pushing like she has, she’s gonna get a nasty surprise when someone isn’t going to be willing to put up with her and response back in a less…passive aggressive manner.
“My friend”? Seriously? She calls Tina specifically to say, in essence, “Neener neener, I’m the real hero, I’m better than you, you’re a terrible mom and your teaching methods suck”, and then has the nerve to call her “my friend”?! As the old saying goes, “with friends like this, who needs enemies?”
@GeminiJC. Yeah. Sometimes the that are fighting hard against it are
probably doing it the most. But judging from the way Deb is behaving, it’s been a while since she saw any action
Deb is right that actions matter, but she’s wrong that talking doesn’t matter. That’s no way for a teacher to approach a problem, but then, she’s the sex ed teacher. No one is going to call her out on that point.
Looking at the backgrounds, it could be that Deb is raising her kid better than Tina’s. Panel 1- Katy just mindlessly rummaging in the refrigerator for more soda. Panel 2- Jakob is at least making sure the parent bear is in one place before doing whatever he’s going to do.
@Chris Wolvie
Or how about her ex husband? Where we discover the true reasons for why they’re divorced and why she’s attempting to get rid of all sex-related imagery in the media.
“Wait… so let’s get this straight… the reason you are trying to get rid of sexual stuff seen everywhere in movies and shows and whatnot… is to get back at your ex husband? We thought you were doing this for the children.”
Panel 4 –
That’s not a bad idea, Joel.
So-o-o-o-o-o…when does Deb’s mother come into play?
Are you sure Deb’s surname isn’t Wertham? She must have some connection with Fredric… I’m sure she have!
Pfft, Deb’s one of those types that just has to get the last word huh? Honestly Tina really should just ignore her, you give her attention of course she’s gonna keep indulging in her delusion/. At the end of the day it’s the results from those actions that matter, not someone”claiming” they’re doing but just blowing out hot air and can’t see the forest before the trees. Besides sooner or later, if Deb keeps pushing like she has, she’s gonna get a nasty surprise when someone isn’t going to be willing to put up with her and response back in a less…passive aggressive manner.
“My friend”? Seriously? She calls Tina specifically to say, in essence, “Neener neener, I’m the real hero, I’m better than you, you’re a terrible mom and your teaching methods suck”, and then has the nerve to call her “my friend”?! As the old saying goes, “with friends like this, who needs enemies?”
Where are Dee Snider, John Denver, and Frank Zappa when you need them?
Then Jacob comes to Deb and says “Mom, what’s Playgirl? I found it under your bed.”
@GeminiJC. Yeah. Sometimes the that are fighting hard against it are
probably doing it the most. But judging from the way Deb is behaving, it’s been a while since she saw any action
Deb is right that actions matter, but she’s wrong that talking doesn’t matter. That’s no way for a teacher to approach a problem, but then, she’s the sex ed teacher. No one is going to call her out on that point.
Looking at the backgrounds, it could be that Deb is raising her kid better than Tina’s. Panel 1- Katy just mindlessly rummaging in the refrigerator for more soda. Panel 2- Jakob is at least making sure the parent bear is in one place before doing whatever he’s going to do.
Deb is gonna take a hard fall sooner or later because when it comes to karma, it comes back to bite you when you least expect it.
I feel like deb is hiding something that’s making her act like this. Something scandalous maybe
I honestly can’t tell if that was supposed to be spiteful or if she genuinely thinks she’s still friends with Tina.