Good job sticking up for Aaron, Vince and being savage as well towards the haters. And now Aaron knows Kendra likes him. That is going to be one heck of a conversation next strip.
Geez Vince, I get you were just trying to help, but some secrets are meant to be private… well actually, the whole point of a secret is privacy, but my point still stands.
@theJayster49: In Vince’s defense, he may not have realized it was supposed to be a secret. “Obvious crush is obvious” and all that.
WELP. Looks like the cat’s out of the bag!
Well his heart’s in the right place at least.
Aaron has been endorsed as “A-Dawg” by Vince. He has some actual street cred now.
Oh, Vince. You rascal!
The ship has officially sailed again!
As Zaphod would say, ten out of ten for style but minus several million for execution, Vinnie.
Is the school okay with a kid openly swearing that much? Likely not.
Well, that’s one way to bust open a ship open.
Good job sticking up for Aaron, Vince and being savage as well towards the haters. And now Aaron knows Kendra likes him. That is going to be one heck of a conversation next strip.
Ah victory. Disastrous, disastrous victory.
I actually hope that Vince wins the game after that mess of a speech, it’s only fair.
Geez Vince, I get you were just trying to help, but some secrets are meant to be private… well actually, the whole point of a secret is privacy, but my point still stands.