March 5, 1993 Mar05 by jbwarner86 on March 5, 2023 at 12:00 am Chapter: 2/22/93 - 3/7/93: Anyone Can Play Guitar └ Tags: Aaron, Jocelyn, Joel, Kendra, Lars, Michelle, Steve
What he said.

@jbwarner86 – My honest thought, I think it’s cause we’re a little too used to the characters (mainly Joel and Aaron) getting screwed over all the time and having their chains yanked whenever something good happens to them.
Them getting their own deal and becoming an official band is a sweet direction for the new continuity. I can’t wait to see where it goes.
Very happy right now.
“Fleck”? Wonder what *that’s* short for lol
C’mon, Joel’s biceps, work! Just lift his arm a little…
This is a year of status quo change. JB warned us, ye of little optimism.
Looks like Westworld just got thrown a bone. Take the opportunity.
@ jb: Yeah, it’s like they’re just as cynical as real life teenagers were the actual time this series is set in. Be like Aaron, guys!
Everyone seems oddly convinced that this can’t possibly end well. Why so cynical, everybody?
Things seem to be going well… is it too good true? Either something will go wrong or Joel will turn it down. Or it may lead into a new arc.
Hmm. There is still one more strip left for it to completely fall apart. Unless tomorrow’s episode will be the last in the arc.
There is one more strip in order to see if they will accept.
Can’t tell if Joel’s reaction is one of pure happiness or pure fear.