@Ghost: Over the last four or five years, I’ve been binge-watching my way through every Star Trek episode and movie in release order. I started in 2019 with the Original Series, and only now am I up to the modern era of Discovery and Picard and all them. But if anyone was wondering where the colossal amount of Star Trek references in Nineteen-Ninety-Something have been coming from all this time, there’s your answer
@JIMENOPOLIX: It’s not exactly part of the Starfleet dress code, y’know. They allowed Worf’s baldric and Ro’s earring for cultural purposes, but they’ll only permit so much
And I said–
Bounce the graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish/
that’s the way we do things, lad, we’re making shit up as we wish/
The Klingons and the Romulans, they pose no threat to us!/
‘Cause if we find we’re in a bind, we just make some shit up!
@Christopher Max Wall: It’s pretty easy to write for Dukat. I just had to remember that, at all times, he should carry himself with this air that everyone around him should be grateful for the privilege of being oppressed by him
Actually, this story and the TNG one from last year have made me realize just how much fun it is to write Star Trek fiction. I want to find opportunities to write more, and not even necessarily within the context of Nineteen-Ninety-Something either
How much energy did you devote into making Dukat as punchable as possible for his one panel of screentime? Because it was an investment well-made, whatever the answer.
@Ghost: Over the last four or five years, I’ve been binge-watching my way through every Star Trek episode and movie in release order. I started in 2019 with the Original Series, and only now am I up to the modern era of Discovery and Picard and all them. But if anyone was wondering where the colossal amount of Star Trek references in Nineteen-Ninety-Something have been coming from all this time, there’s your answer
@jbwarner86 So you’re a Trekkie through and through is what you’re saying, and it isn’t just for the plot. Nice!
@JBWarner86: Awesome. You get it, man.
@JIMENOPOLIX: But still it is good to see her without her hat.
@JIMENOPOLIX: It’s not exactly part of the Starfleet dress code, y’know. They allowed Worf’s baldric and Ro’s earring for cultural purposes, but they’ll only permit so much
Can I just say it’s been pretty surreal seeing Michelle without her hat for so long?
And I said–
Bounce the graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish/
that’s the way we do things, lad, we’re making shit up as we wish/
The Klingons and the Romulans, they pose no threat to us!/
‘Cause if we find we’re in a bind, we just make some shit up!
–Voltaire, S.S. Make Shit Up
Michelle looks good in a Starfleet uniform, wonder if she has a replica one in the back of her closet?
@TheJayster49: Now you REALLY shouldn’t look directly at the operational end of the device!
And Michelle has just saved the galaxy… in her dreams.
BTW, I liked Jenny’s hairstyle in the story. I wonder if she will change her look like Ashleigh did a while ago?
“I did science and a thing happened.” – Inventors and Nerds
@Christopher Max Wall: It’s pretty easy to write for Dukat. I just had to remember that, at all times, he should carry himself with this air that everyone around him should be grateful for the privilege of being oppressed by him
Actually, this story and the TNG one from last year have made me realize just how much fun it is to write Star Trek fiction. I want to find opportunities to write more, and not even necessarily within the context of Nineteen-Ninety-Something either
LOL on Michelle’s line in the last panel.
How much energy did you devote into making Dukat as punchable as possible for his one panel of screentime? Because it was an investment well-made, whatever the answer.
That’s basic sci-fi in a nutshell lol
“What are you going to do?!”
“I’m gonna SCIENCE!”
Jesse. Who is your personal favorite NNS character and why?
“I did some science to my portal gun, and now it’s also a REAL gun!”