March 25, 1994 Mar25 by jbwarner86 on March 25, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 3/21/94 - 4/3/94: Love Is In The Air Up There └ Tags: Kristen, Vince
I don’t even need to understand what they’re saying to see what’s going on.
Easy with those sparks you too, you’ll cause a wildfire..
And the Bomps proceeded to “chika wow.”
Did he only have eyes for her? What about the other cheerleaders?
And this is how begins.
(puts hand to ear)
Is…that Stevie Wonder’s “Jungle Fever” playing in the background?
Well, seems Vince will be the second member of his family to get an Asian GF…
In the words of Heath Ledger’s Joker, “And here. We. Go.”
Yep, I am definitely onboard Kristen and Vince getting together. They balance each other out.
The button-up is coming off and Vince is actually showing emotion. That’s how you know it’s gettin’ serious, and we’re just starting this development