March 24, 1995 Mar24 by jbwarner86 on March 24, 2025 at 12:00 am Chapter: 3/20/95 - 3/26/95: All That and a Bag of Blue Chips └ Tags: Kristen, Michael Jordan, Vince
Guess you can say he was a flop!
Hey, this is still entertaining.
The agony of de feet… de feet dey failed my favorite character! I wanna cry….
That’s gotta hurt!
@Toonlegion: I expected him to at least get airborne before the crashing and burning commenced.
Right, looks like it was option 1. Demand a do-over, Vince!
Not sure what I was expecting there. =P
Eyo, Kristen taking boxing or martial arts lessons confirmed?
That must have been painful.
Kristen has skewed priorities, what a shock.
He doesn’t shoot, he doesn’t score!
Was “epic fail” commonly used in 1995?
Epic Fail.