@Ghost: Colm Meaney, actually, as Miles O’Brien. Union man, Alamo LARPer, father of two, and perpetually unlucky Chief Engineer. Soothed a thunderstorm monster with a bedtime story, served 20 years in prison in his mind, and jury-rigged a chroniton blast to zap a killer demon spirit out of his wife’s body. And really really doesn’t hate Julian Bashir.
@Taigan: Half the fun of writing this came from setting it within the first ten episodes of the series, before any of the stuff it became iconic for was introduced. This is pre-Dominion War, pre-Starfleet Nog, pre-Worf, pre-Vic Fontaine. Hell, Kai Winn hadn’t even been introduced at this point
@jbwarner86 Dude. I’m a Nerd. That’s why I read this comic to begin with.
@Ghost: Colm Meaney, actually, as Miles O’Brien. Union man, Alamo LARPer, father of two, and perpetually unlucky Chief Engineer. Soothed a thunderstorm monster with a bedtime story, served 20 years in prison in his mind, and jury-rigged a chroniton blast to zap a killer demon spirit out of his wife’s body. And really really doesn’t hate Julian Bashir.
Hey, you asked, I answered
Is that Kurtwood Smith in the second panel?
By the time it was over, Jenny would have had that Cardassian interrogator who tortured Picard begging for mercy.
@Taigan: Half the fun of writing this came from setting it within the first ten episodes of the series, before any of the stuff it became iconic for was introduced. This is pre-Dominion War, pre-Starfleet Nog, pre-Worf, pre-Vic Fontaine. Hell, Kai Winn hadn’t even been introduced at this point
@Blue Diamond. Or the former could bring in Joel.
Once again, this is gonna be fun…
As this is a dream of either Michelle or Jenny, I bet the latter will “bring” Eric to the ship to have fun.
It was nice of Michelle to apologize in advance.
So weird seeing Sisko with hair and clean shaven. His later seasons look is so ingrained on my brain.
Sorry, the replicator only does Hydrox.
So how’s O’Brien going to suffer from this?
Bet she could go for a can of ravioli “Bajor-Ar-Dee” right about now LOL