March 22, 1994 Mar22 by jbwarner86 on March 22, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 3/21/94 - 4/3/94: Love Is In The Air Up There └ Tags: Elise, Kristen
For the record, Vandy DID beat ‘Sota in the second round of the ’94 tourney 98-72. Vandy would go to Piscataway, NJ for the regionals…
…and Kristen will finally get some release.
@Anon: Aaron and Kendra got the same treatment when they were watching The Simpson last year.
@El-Man: I mean, he DID draw Lindsay and Craig doing the nasty not too long ago…
Well, that _won’t_ be something that JB’s gonna draw.
Either she needs to get laid, or she needs to try rugby instead.
Well, considering the title of this arc, I’m PRETTY SURE I know what it is that she wants.
Okay I cracked up at Kristen’s line in the last panel.
I have a feeling this is gonna be “You Need to Get Laid” the story LMAO