@ TV Head – Corrected? Daylight Saving Time started, that’s not a correction. It’s an abomination that has LONG outlasted its usefulness and should have gone the way of the dodo years ago. I’m just glad my state never adopted that nonsense, as we get enough sunlight here, thank you very much.
I mean, seriously, the sun does not need to still be visible after 9pm in the summertime.
If only our… “illustrious” lawmakers decided to make NOT Daylight Saving Time permanent instead.
I’m just thinking of the troubles that Jenny and Quark could get into to make Odo’s life a true, living hell!!
Kira Nerys is going to want to jettison her out of a airlock after 4 days, while Jadzia would be the voice of reason, keeping her from destroying everything that Miles had fixed.
Seriously, this should be more than just a 1 week storyline; lots of options to tell here!!!
It’s very easy to tell who is and isn’t a Star Trek fan in these comments
@ TV Head – Corrected? Daylight Saving Time started, that’s not a correction. It’s an abomination that has LONG outlasted its usefulness and should have gone the way of the dodo years ago. I’m just glad my state never adopted that nonsense, as we get enough sunlight here, thank you very much.
I mean, seriously, the sun does not need to still be visible after 9pm in the summertime.
If only our… “illustrious” lawmakers decided to make NOT Daylight Saving Time permanent instead.
Another Star Trek arc? Better get my popcorn…
I’m just thinking of the troubles that Jenny and Quark could get into to make Odo’s life a true, living hell!!
Kira Nerys is going to want to jettison her out of a airlock after 4 days, while Jadzia would be the voice of reason, keeping her from destroying everything that Miles had fixed.
Seriously, this should be more than just a 1 week storyline; lots of options to tell here!!!
Ooh, a Michelle/Jenny-centered arc — haven’t had one of those in a while! And a Star Trek parody, no less!
Hmph. There will be NO projectile chewing gum on the promenade!
I remember the last Star Trek storyline with Katy being the protagonist, but having both Jenny and Michelle in DS9 will be fun!
LOL. Jenny on DS9? Odo’s going to melt into a puddle and Quark will want to chuck her out an airlock.
Thank Christ your awful Daylight Savings corrected. I was tired of waiting ’til 2am to read the new comics.
I wonder if they’ll ever let Jenny back into the mall?
Oh lord. Jenny set loose on a space station?! This could end in so many ways.
BTW, Jenny’s haircut is very close to Princess Lisa’s hairstyle.
Now THIS should be an interesting dream sequence…
Is one of them dreaming? Are they both dreaming?
Or is this a what-if scenario both of them are imagining.
Another Star Trek storyline! This is gonna be awesome!
Who else is super excited for Lindaay and Co’s graduation?
Michelle and Jenny together in a mini storyline, huh? This will be cool.
Ooo, Jenny’s gonna be involved in one of these parody storylines? This outta be fun LOL