Ironically we had/have both a 2001 Honda CRV and Benz. The former actually managed pretty well for a long time during mom’s time with it and when I finally inherited it. Only reason it got clunky on me when I got it because I was a dope who didn’t know the first thing about car care at the time but she was a workhorse that I miss utterly (Lousy thieves).
Benz, yeah good cars too but repair cost ain’t cheap. You wanna look fly, better be making that dough constant to keep the upkeep. Least Honda parts and service don’t cost that much an arm and leg.
If only they had a Volkswagen, which I heard were easy for the car owners to repair themselves.
Expensive German car or cheap Japanese one, you gotta do the maintenance…
*2008 Benz I should say
Ironically we had/have both a 2001 Honda CRV and Benz. The former actually managed pretty well for a long time during mom’s time with it and when I finally inherited it. Only reason it got clunky on me when I got it because I was a dope who didn’t know the first thing about car care at the time but she was a workhorse that I miss utterly (Lousy thieves).
Benz, yeah good cars too but repair cost ain’t cheap. You wanna look fly, better be making that dough constant to keep the upkeep. Least Honda parts and service don’t cost that much an arm and leg.
Oh shit.
A car dying and it’s NOT Kevin’s fault. Guess he ain’t the only unlucky one XD
Aaaaaaand there goes the game!