So he’s been on unemployment for years, finally gets OFF unemployment, and immediately endorses a plan to cut unemployment benefits for everyone who still needs it. It’s the classic “Screw you, I got mine!” mentality.
Also, I don’t think it counts as having a job if you’re not getting paid, Rick.
Aaron’s REALLY looking uncomfortable right now. Wonder if this adds any credibility to the theory I made on Discord earlier that this might be the breaking point that convinces him to finally cut ties with his dad.
Heh that line in the 2nd panel, likely coincidence but if it isn’t, well thanks dude, glad you liked the fancomic. Haha.
But yeah, I know he’s well meaning but oof this is gonna cause friction either between these two, Aaron’s friends or both.
Lemme guess – even if you did sign a contract, you didn’t read it, ‘cos all that reading’s for nerds, eh, Rick?
Oh, you have a job now, Rick? How much is he paying you? Or is this just a “paid in exposure” gig?
So he’s been on unemployment for years, finally gets OFF unemployment, and immediately endorses a plan to cut unemployment benefits for everyone who still needs it. It’s the classic “Screw you, I got mine!” mentality.
Also, I don’t think it counts as having a job if you’re not getting paid, Rick.
Hoo, boy, let’s see where this goes…
With minds as warped as Rick’s and Ronald’s (“Rick ‘n Ron”?), there’s very little chance of success…
And this is why Marion got custody.
Really don’t blame Aaron for not being too pleased with his Dad right now.
For a man with no brains, he fails to realize that he is about to lose his dear son for good.
..I think I lost a few IQ points listening to Rick’s babble.
There are too many idiots like Rick in this country.
Aaron’s REALLY looking uncomfortable right now. Wonder if this adds any credibility to the theory I made on Discord earlier that this might be the breaking point that convinces him to finally cut ties with his dad.