“What do you mean, sir? I’m guarding this locker. See? My cape is secured to the handle so no on can open it except the student it belongs to. I can’t even move from here.”
At least this crime is lower stakes than interrupting network broadcasting, so I suppose that’s a plus overall. But seriously, it can’t be that hard to remove the cape and cowl, can it? Nobody would suspect Bruce Wayne if he was found next to the discarded disguise.
I realise the point of this strip is Steve’s noble self-sacrifice, but is the cape padlocked to his neck? Well, I suppose he had to get caught somehow…
True bro right there. Steve taking the rap for Joel and Aaron. But on the bright side, it looks like Joel and Aaron found themselves a new friend right there.
Need that GIF of Solid Snake saluting for this.
“Aha! I got you!”
“What do you mean, sir? I’m guarding this locker. See? My cape is secured to the handle so no on can open it except the student it belongs to. I can’t even move from here.”
At least this crime is lower stakes than interrupting network broadcasting, so I suppose that’s a plus overall. But seriously, it can’t be that hard to remove the cape and cowl, can it? Nobody would suspect Bruce Wayne if he was found next to the discarded disguise.
@El-Man: I was thinking exactly the same thing. Why doesn’t he just take off the Batman outfit?
I realise the point of this strip is Steve’s noble self-sacrifice, but is the cape padlocked to his neck? Well, I suppose he had to get caught somehow…
Hell yeah Steve is awesome. Taking the rap so his newfound friends don’t fall with him. Kudos to you, my dude.
True bro right there. Steve taking the rap for Joel and Aaron. But on the bright side, it looks like Joel and Aaron found themselves a new friend right there.
He’s doing it again! Steve’s awesome, isn’t he?
This guy took one for the team. True patriot *salutes*