At this point just what is a “conservative value”? Good behavior? Reasonably good behavior? I’m in favor of that, and it’s not limited to women. Removing all veiled maybe-sexual references in a sex education class? No, that defeats the purpose. Parents acting like crazed monkies wrecking their kid’s things because it ‘might’ have something sexy in it? I’m against that. Being a jerk to Tina? No, but that’s Deb’s choice and Joel should be looking to spend his allowance on a banana cream pie from the bakery aisle.
In media the villain is often right, and it’s the world that’s often wrong. (It was once the villain in a story who was wholly wrong, but not anymore.) That goes along with the moral question of a story. A hero is right and it’s the villain, not the world, that is wrong- but on a different point. A villain’s reason and actions are not in alignment. _Nobody_ liked old version Kevin after a point, as he’d gone from cartoonish bully to wannabe serial killer. This new take on the media hysteria of the 90s chapter was much better, less jarring, and let the “against the teens” actually raise a good point or two (or at least a good line or two) instead of the parents having smashing fits.
“Nate tried to grope Jocelyn and then blamed her for existing” He made a big mistake and then didn’t own up to it, went crazy, and was vanished away in disgrace. A character with a good start, bad ending. Jocelin should have been called out on being a violent or perverted freak at times, at least.
“Allie revealed herself to be biphobic” Is that what happened? I thought that she was overconfident that she couldn’t lose Josselyn, and drove her off from a relationship built only on sex.
“She’s only saying that to rub her success in Tina’s face” First one, then the other. She was written to be the bad guy of the story arc, tried to do the right thing the wrong way, and learned nothing. She was a teacher and didn’t teach. She was a speaker on an issue but hadn’t learned about it beyond being a one-off puppet for the nay-faction. This ‘strip shows her being a poor winner about it. The media of the time may have had a bit too much sex, but that wasn’t under the control of the ones absorbing it.
Jacob however, needs to get ahold of a Playboy at this point, since he’s constantly denied everything that’s really at his age level.
It’s really quite impressive how Mole204 walks right into it every single time – I write unlikable selfish antagonists with horrible antiquated worldviews, and he always agrees with them.
That’s actually a huge advantage to writing jerks in my comic strip. It helps me weed out the jerks in my comments section too, the ones who go “What are you booing the villain for? They’re right!” Same thing happened when I did that story where Nate tried to grope Jocelyn and then blamed her for existing, or when Allie revealed herself to be biphobic. Every time I write a character who wants to control another character’s life and tries to garner sympathy for it, there’s always some dick in the comments who goes “Ooh yeah, wish I could do that.” Think they’ll ever realize that I’m making fun of them?
@Mole204: You’re wrong. She’s only saying that to rub her success in Tina’s face, i.e. “This only happened because you’re a worse parent than I am”, and that is demonstrably untrue. But then, you seem to have a problem with women who don’t hold up conservative values, so your input is basically worthless here anyways.
Deb is both right that people have to try a little harder, and is yet still a smug antagonist figure. She’s not quite a villain, she’s not quite as crazy as Tina was in the original run of the story, (Deb’s not as irrational as many ‘attack what your children like’ parents in the 1990s were), but she’s too smug in today’s comic to not deserve some sort of cartoonish karmic backlash. Jacob seems to be built to get the pity vote.
Well, as the old saying goes. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. I’ve got a feeling, sooner or later, Deb is going to get caught in huge scandal that will completely ruin her reputation.
I really hope we can see Joel and the gang hang out with Jacob at one point. Kid looks like he’s in desperate need of some friends who know what REAL fun is.
JB, I think the answer to your question is a loud, resounding “NO!” at this point.
At this point just what is a “conservative value”? Good behavior? Reasonably good behavior? I’m in favor of that, and it’s not limited to women. Removing all veiled maybe-sexual references in a sex education class? No, that defeats the purpose. Parents acting like crazed monkies wrecking their kid’s things because it ‘might’ have something sexy in it? I’m against that. Being a jerk to Tina? No, but that’s Deb’s choice and Joel should be looking to spend his allowance on a banana cream pie from the bakery aisle.
In media the villain is often right, and it’s the world that’s often wrong. (It was once the villain in a story who was wholly wrong, but not anymore.) That goes along with the moral question of a story. A hero is right and it’s the villain, not the world, that is wrong- but on a different point. A villain’s reason and actions are not in alignment. _Nobody_ liked old version Kevin after a point, as he’d gone from cartoonish bully to wannabe serial killer. This new take on the media hysteria of the 90s chapter was much better, less jarring, and let the “against the teens” actually raise a good point or two (or at least a good line or two) instead of the parents having smashing fits.
“Nate tried to grope Jocelyn and then blamed her for existing” He made a big mistake and then didn’t own up to it, went crazy, and was vanished away in disgrace. A character with a good start, bad ending. Jocelin should have been called out on being a violent or perverted freak at times, at least.
“Allie revealed herself to be biphobic” Is that what happened? I thought that she was overconfident that she couldn’t lose Josselyn, and drove her off from a relationship built only on sex.
“She’s only saying that to rub her success in Tina’s face” First one, then the other. She was written to be the bad guy of the story arc, tried to do the right thing the wrong way, and learned nothing. She was a teacher and didn’t teach. She was a speaker on an issue but hadn’t learned about it beyond being a one-off puppet for the nay-faction. This ‘strip shows her being a poor winner about it. The media of the time may have had a bit too much sex, but that wasn’t under the control of the ones absorbing it.
Jacob however, needs to get ahold of a Playboy at this point, since he’s constantly denied everything that’s really at his age level.
Oooooooo, I hope she gets hers on Larry King Live like Tina did in the original timeline…
jbwarner86: I find it hilarious that you acknowledge critics but not the failed promise with archiving the old strips.
Jeez! I can’t wait for it to explode in Deb’s face!
It’s really quite impressive how Mole204 walks right into it every single time – I write unlikable selfish antagonists with horrible antiquated worldviews, and he always agrees with them.
That’s actually a huge advantage to writing jerks in my comic strip. It helps me weed out the jerks in my comments section too, the ones who go “What are you booing the villain for? They’re right!” Same thing happened when I did that story where Nate tried to grope Jocelyn and then blamed her for existing, or when Allie revealed herself to be biphobic. Every time I write a character who wants to control another character’s life and tries to garner sympathy for it, there’s always some dick in the comments who goes “Ooh yeah, wish I could do that.” Think they’ll ever realize that I’m making fun of them?
@Mole204: You’re wrong. She’s only saying that to rub her success in Tina’s face, i.e. “This only happened because you’re a worse parent than I am”, and that is demonstrably untrue. But then, you seem to have a problem with women who don’t hold up conservative values, so your input is basically worthless here anyways.
Wow. What a massive, grade-A bitch. Someone needs to drag Deb off her high horse, and then said horse needs to kick her soundly in the gut.
Deb is both right that people have to try a little harder, and is yet still a smug antagonist figure. She’s not quite a villain, she’s not quite as crazy as Tina was in the original run of the story, (Deb’s not as irrational as many ‘attack what your children like’ parents in the 1990s were), but she’s too smug in today’s comic to not deserve some sort of cartoonish karmic backlash. Jacob seems to be built to get the pity vote.
I wonder, will we see Deb’s mother chew her out on national TV…? Like when Tina was the antagonist in the previous incarnation.
Well, as the old saying goes. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. I’ve got a feeling, sooner or later, Deb is going to get caught in huge scandal that will completely ruin her reputation.
@Lourenzo Or maybe Jocelyn! That would be an interesting interaction!
Jacob needs to meet Jenny and learn a thing or two about rebellion
Nice touch making Deb’s pupils tiny to reflect how tightly wound she is
I really hope we can see Joel and the gang hang out with Jacob at one point. Kid looks like he’s in desperate need of some friends who know what REAL fun is.
It’s not over by a long shot. It’s only just begun.
The smug aura from Deb in the third panel just makes me want to punch the ground with enough force to split the Earth in two…