June 9, 1994 Jun09 by jbwarner86 on June 9, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 5/30/94 - 6/12/94: The Fellowship of the Kerrang └ Tags: Jocelyn, Joel, Steve
It’s still a terrible situation, but props to Joel for prioritizing integrity.
@Ghost: Russell already shut that down. He’s determined to turn Joel into Kurt Cobain Jr.
Maybe they can get Jocelyn to be the singer?
Believe me, Steve: if you knew the kinds of bullshit that Donald Trump would be involved in a couple of decades later, you’d want to do much worse to him than just putting his hand in warm water.
Maybe Joel should ask Lindz for some tips. Forget the book, he needs a proper voice coach.
@Anon: It’s been heavily implied that they have (especially at the end of that year-long arc in 2022 with Deb as the villain) but that’s about it lol
@Anon: They did at the end of the America Online storyline, but none of them were naked.
That reminds me…Steve and Jocelyn have done the nasty, and so have Aaron and Kendra, but what about Joel and Michelle? Have they done it yet?
I admire they’re TRYING to find some workarounds to this mess. Aaron’s firing shall not go unavenged.
Also admire how casual Joel is about seeing Steve and Joce – mostly Joce – practically half-naked lol
Glad to see Joel taking the initiative.