It begins! It’s going to be great. It’s going to be bad. It’s going to break hearts. But it’s going to be fun. So, the Hysterics have been operating for awhile. There’s stories (likely very wrong) about them. In the third panel, I wonder if Jocelyn’s reaction is based on “That’s totally wrong” or “Oh gods they’re still talking about that?” Jos is still coming in strong with the introductions. I wonder what she’ll threaten to remove when she meets this version of Lindsey?
Hello Jocelyn. Man, I loved her in the previous incarnation and I think she will be just as entertaining in the reboot. And Zeke, learn to think before you speak.
It begins! It’s going to be great. It’s going to be bad. It’s going to break hearts. But it’s going to be fun. So, the Hysterics have been operating for awhile. There’s stories (likely very wrong) about them. In the third panel, I wonder if Jocelyn’s reaction is based on “That’s totally wrong” or “Oh gods they’re still talking about that?” Jos is still coming in strong with the introductions. I wonder what she’ll threaten to remove when she meets this version of Lindsey?
And now a good verbal roasting and kick up the backside?
And welcome Jocelyn back to the series. But…is she back with that egotistical lead singer again?
Aw yeah, the badass is back, baby!
Impressive she can grab his lips like that. Shouldn’t be physically possible to do that. lol
Jocelyn! Woohoo!
and just like that she’s up on the title banner with the guys. Nice
Unless… Someone has a better idea…
Awesome as usual Joce
Hello Jocelyn. Man, I loved her in the previous incarnation and I think she will be just as entertaining in the reboot. And Zeke, learn to think before you speak.
YES! She’s here! Wow, not 2 strips ago I was wondering when the ladies would start showing. Ask and ye shall receive!
YAY! Jocelyn’s back
And she’s puttin’ that little gremlin back in his place XD