Russell seems to think that Joel is the be-all and end-all of this band, and everyone else is just there for moral support. Watch: next, he’s gonna suggest changing the band’s name to “Joel and the Doorknobs”.
(And by “suggest” I mean changing the name himself without bothering to ask the kids for their input. As usual.)
Honestly, I want to see somebody to find a way to make Russell look so bad in front of a mass number of witnesses (in-person and on TV, preferably), that his own father fires him for making him look bad for giving him a job.
Honestly, I don’t consider him evil or scummy enough to wish death or permanent physical damage on him.
Now, humiliation, loss of money, being told why he sucks by somebody he can’t brush aside, those are more fitting punishments.
Meesa tinks dat Russy reawlly has a great idea. Meesa tinks Russy gonna go far.
Well, he got rid of Aaron. Steve and Jocelyn (and all of Joel’s friends and loved ones) better watch their backs
somewhere in the distance you hear someone chanting “contract fraud”
Russell seems to think that Joel is the be-all and end-all of this band, and everyone else is just there for moral support. Watch: next, he’s gonna suggest changing the band’s name to “Joel and the Doorknobs”.
(And by “suggest” I mean changing the name himself without bothering to ask the kids for their input. As usual.)
Honestly, I want to see somebody to find a way to make Russell look so bad in front of a mass number of witnesses (in-person and on TV, preferably), that his own father fires him for making him look bad for giving him a job.
Honestly, I don’t consider him evil or scummy enough to wish death or permanent physical damage on him.
Now, humiliation, loss of money, being told why he sucks by somebody he can’t brush aside, those are more fitting punishments.
@Ghost Dawg he’s annoying but why do you want him to die so bad

@Superior Gorilla: Not A Dream! Not A Hoax! Not An Imaginary Story!
How is it he manages to have another “how do you not see the problem with that?” Idea every single strip?
…I won’t even say anything.
I’m typing words, but I’m not saying anything…
@Lourenzo Yeah. Death.
@Ghost dude chill. Russell’s an annoying douche but he hasn’t done anything deserving of death. I’m sure a comeuppance will come soon
Please, let this be a dream!
He’s got a point. Name me one song where you can make out one damn thing Eddie Vedder sings. Can’t do it, can you?
He’s trying to replace Aaron! Absolute wow!
Please kill him off, Jesse. I swear to God he deserves nothing less than to die! If he gets redeemed, I’m gonna be pissed.
Whatever Aaron has planned, I hope it’s good.
This fuckbasket needs to go.
Wow, you really didn’t think that through, huh Russell?
My god… they need to get rid of this douchenozzle. Damn that contract.
The solution to Joel’s problem is simple: kidnap a Rock Troll!
I mean it worked for Velvet and Veneer