@Pat: Bowie’s “Thin White Duke” persona and accompanying albums (The “Berlin Trilogy” and Scary Monsters) were basically one big middle finger to RCA. He went artistically, producing some critically praised but commercially meh product.
When his contract was up with RCA, he produced “Let’s Dance” (album and single) for EMI. “Dance” was his most commercially-friendly album ever and teh eponymous single remains his biggest hit.
Yeah by this point you got nothing to gain from appeasing this guy. I see this going two ways 1) They try to be all angry and smacktalk but that’ll end up backfiring and making them more popular or 2) They realize they need to do the opposite of Russell vision and just don’t do what he suggests. Sales tank and they’re freed from their contracts. But again, I’m not the storyteller here, just a spectator. Though I DO want some retribution for that kick though.
Seriously, amending the contract ex post facto means the signatory parties are to be given a new chance to read and sign the contract – the current contract has been rendered null and void, and the amended version is not in force until the signatory parties have a chance to sign it anew.
Chickenfucker fucked over the entire record label, and not just with Westworld – future bands are going to hear about Chickenfucker’s fuckery and aren’t going to give him the time of day.
Fucking hell, why don’t Russell just change the band name to Russell and the Russell’s while he’s at it? Doesn’t get the fucking hint that the band’s name is WESTworld. It was named for his surname, and you’re gonna kick him out? FUCK you, Russell.
@YEET I think his whole “idea” is that he has to take a fall here to save his friends’ careers. He’s trying so hard to believe his own optimistic rationalizing in those last two panels
Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me. Yet again, Russ completely fucks up their lives and careers and nobody can do or say anything about it.
Gonna be honest here: I agree with Anon, this is getting really tiresome really quickly. We’re approaching old-continuity-Kevin levels of “when is this asshole going to get what’s coming to him?”-ness over here.
@Pat: Bowie’s “Thin White Duke” persona and accompanying albums (The “Berlin Trilogy” and Scary Monsters) were basically one big middle finger to RCA. He went artistically, producing some critically praised but commercially meh product.
When his contract was up with RCA, he produced “Let’s Dance” (album and single) for EMI. “Dance” was his most commercially-friendly album ever and teh eponymous single remains his biggest hit.
I’m curious about Mr. Freeze’s comment about David Bowie.
Yeah by this point you got nothing to gain from appeasing this guy. I see this going two ways 1) They try to be all angry and smacktalk but that’ll end up backfiring and making them more popular or 2) They realize they need to do the opposite of Russell vision and just don’t do what he suggests. Sales tank and they’re freed from their contracts. But again, I’m not the storyteller here, just a spectator. Though I DO want some retribution for that kick though.
I’d find it very funny if some how Joce got her old man to help read the contract and for a price he’d help them settle a court case
“Hey, Russ! Good news! We’re almost wrapping up the songs for the new album. Also, we’ve decided that we’re a country western band now.’
Contract fraud! Contract fraud! Contract fraud!
Seriously, amending the contract ex post facto means the signatory parties are to be given a new chance to read and sign the contract – the current contract has been rendered null and void, and the amended version is not in force until the signatory parties have a chance to sign it anew.
Chickenfucker fucked over the entire record label, and not just with Westworld – future bands are going to hear about Chickenfucker’s fuckery and aren’t going to give him the time of day.
Russell clearly doesn’t know who David Bowie is. (Prince hadn’t pulled his “Symbol Man” shenanigans yet, IIRC).
Okay, the firing was bad enough, but the kick was unnecessary…
Fucking hell, why don’t Russell just change the band name to Russell and the Russell’s while he’s at it? Doesn’t get the fucking hint that the band’s name is WESTworld. It was named for his surname, and you’re gonna kick him out? FUCK you, Russell.
Also, wow, Steve’s faces.
He’s so mad, he can’t bring himself to even make jokes of the situation.
Even the “We’re outside” line felt rather cold and joy-less.
This is just awful… I feel terrible for Aaron, no matter how optimistic he tries to be.
Though, he appears to have an idea, as I didn’t even notice that exclamation point until everyone pointed it out.
Does he have a plan?
Maybe he’s gonna show Russell how much the band suffers without him.
So I guess the rest of Westworld will do everything they can to get fired to get out of the contract.
That exclamation point means something,,, excited to find out what.
@YEET I think his whole “idea” is that he has to take a fall here to save his friends’ careers. He’s trying so hard to believe his own optimistic rationalizing in those last two panels
Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me. Yet again, Russ completely fucks up their lives and careers and nobody can do or say anything about it.
Gonna be honest here: I agree with Anon, this is getting really tiresome really quickly. We’re approaching old-continuity-Kevin levels of “when is this asshole going to get what’s coming to him?”-ness over here.
Hm, looks like Aaron has an idea brewing in the ol think kettle…also hey Douche, keep your feet to yourself, less you want one in the nuts at 60mph..
Never expected to say this, but I miss Chad.
Hold up I think aaron has an idea!
Shit… this is why you always read every detail of a contract before you sign it.
“Two years.”
You guys ain’t even gonna last a month or so
Fuck you, Russell! Choke on your own shit!
Dammit Aaron, don’t take this sitting down.
When is Russell going to get his comeuppance? I’m losing my patience.