Re-reading her interactions with Joel, I have to wonder… Does she thinks he’s a girl? As in, did his physical appearance make her believe he was a girl? I’m curious because, unlike when she met Steve and now Aaron, she wasn’t as antagonistic to Joel while she was talking to Jocelyn and he was around.
In the voice of David Attenborough : Things have gotten more antagonistic from this “Riot Grrrl” and is having a bit of a rough time accepting reality. Her mentor who put her on this path is now seeing that introducing her to this life style was a bad idea and is slowly realizing she might have to put her in her place being the more rational woman in the room. Sadly this is a time before the internet so she has no echo chamber to go to fester her bad behaviour agenst society on the whole.
When we get back from the brake, we will see how her aditude has effected her life and relationship with her mentor
In one ear and out the other with this idiot. Nothing worse then an unreasonable person. Also, um, maybe look into a band you like rather then assuming you know everything about them?
In one ear and out the other. Even if Jocelyn told her how insane she is being, in the simplest of words, she would twist what she is saying into some tirade about how men are holding Jocelyn down.
Extremists really just make me sad. They don’t see reason, everyone is against them unless they speak in the same echo chamber, and they are willfully ignorant about the whole thing.
@jbwarner86, @The Artist of 95 and @M: Those other times were in a sarcastic tone, but this time, although I felt bad for Becca at first, I could not help but really wish her to die.
I have had some tolerance for past villains in these series, and I do apologize right now if I have offended someone, but hey, I must admit these characters make us readers to hate them up to the point of wishing them to die.
I do know she will not die, but still, I will try to watch my words and not end up like some “M***” guy.
@MegaJar: I guess I misinterpreted her remark in hindsight. Though, Aaron is usually portrayed as somewhat dimwitted compared to the other characters so still not that far off.
Becca at the beginning – harassed by perverted guys – felt bad for her
Becca in the middle – turns rebellious – awesome
Becca afterwards – females rule, all guys suck – okay, that took a turn
Becca now – feminazi – I do hope Jocelyn has permission to beat her up
Again, not justifying her harassers’ actions, but she is no better than them. She’s just as bad as them in different terms.
It’s been a really peculiar sight how frequently Superior Gorilla wishes death on characters. I’ll admit, I used to do that. But I’m way older than 10 now.
@jbwarner86 My thoughts exactly. It is saddening how hostile some people can be. I enjoy this story’s twists and turns, whilst some others (not naming any names) come at this comic, fangs and claws out.
@Superior Gorilla: I always find it fascinating (and also mildly disturbing) how quick my readers are to wish death on my characters. Like, the possibility of a realization and apology doesn’t even cross anyone’s minds, it’s just “nope, you did bad once, you need to pay for it forever. Nothing is forgivable.”
Lady, Aaron is like the most harmless guy in the world. He’s the face that could unite the country rather than divide it. Hell, he’s dating a black girl!
The sad thing is that I actually empathized with Becca, back at the start of the arc when she was getting harassed by assholes everywhere she went. But then she took things way, way too far, and now she’s officially gone from justifiably aggrieved to a raging “feminazi” stereotype.
@Tarotsu As MegaJar said, Jocelyn told Becca that Aaron just has a really big heart, and is genuinely one of the nicest guys she knows. Though that immediately went right over Becca’s head.
I swear, if Becca smacks Aaron… I have absolutely NO respect for anyone who thinks that EVERYONE of the opposite sex are nothing but mindless, bigoted monsters who see the world in black, or white. Not even black AND white. I definitely feel like she’s the kind of person who has to make it everyone else’s business who she’s attracted to, and shove it in everyone’s faces.
Becca is really starting to remind me of Tina the Tech Worker from ‘Dilbert.’
@Superior Gorilla Dawg she’s just a dumbass teenager you really shouldn’t be this worked up lmao
Hoo, boy…Becca went off the deep end quick.
Do I think Becca needs to die? Hells, no.
Do I think Joce needs to whack her soundly with a CLUE-by-four? Abso…LUTELY!
Re-reading her interactions with Joel, I have to wonder… Does she thinks he’s a girl? As in, did his physical appearance make her believe he was a girl? I’m curious because, unlike when she met Steve and now Aaron, she wasn’t as antagonistic to Joel while she was talking to Jocelyn and he was around.
In the voice of David Attenborough : Things have gotten more antagonistic from this “Riot Grrrl” and is having a bit of a rough time accepting reality. Her mentor who put her on this path is now seeing that introducing her to this life style was a bad idea and is slowly realizing she might have to put her in her place being the more rational woman in the room. Sadly this is a time before the internet so she has no echo chamber to go to fester her bad behaviour agenst society on the whole.
When we get back from the brake, we will see how her aditude has effected her life and relationship with her mentor
In one ear and out the other with this idiot. Nothing worse then an unreasonable person. Also, um, maybe look into a band you like rather then assuming you know everything about them?
Had to look up who Janice Lester was, cause I thought she was a member of one of Eden Prairie High’s sports teams at first. ^^;
@Superior Gorilla Bruh. Take a chill pill! I get that she’s like your everyday Twitter or Tumblr user, but that doesn’t mean she deserves to die!
In one ear and out the other. Even if Jocelyn told her how insane she is being, in the simplest of words, she would twist what she is saying into some tirade about how men are holding Jocelyn down.
Extremists really just make me sad. They don’t see reason, everyone is against them unless they speak in the same echo chamber, and they are willfully ignorant about the whole thing.
@jbwarner86, @The Artist of 95 and @M: Those other times were in a sarcastic tone, but this time, although I felt bad for Becca at first, I could not help but really wish her to die.
I have had some tolerance for past villains in these series, and I do apologize right now if I have offended someone, but hey, I must admit these characters make us readers to hate them up to the point of wishing them to die.
I do know she will not die, but still, I will try to watch my words and not end up like some “M***” guy.
That is a PERFECT way to explain Aaron’s personality.
@MegaJar: I guess I misinterpreted her remark in hindsight. Though, Aaron is usually portrayed as somewhat dimwitted compared to the other characters so still not that far off.
At the very least, I’d expect a line like this from Jocelyn to make Becca rethink her situation (assuming she CAN think):
“I didn’t save you from guys. I saved you from PERVS.”
Becca at the beginning – harassed by perverted guys – felt bad for her
Becca in the middle – turns rebellious – awesome
Becca afterwards – females rule, all guys suck – okay, that took a turn
Becca now – feminazi – I do hope Jocelyn has permission to beat her up
Again, not justifying her harassers’ actions, but she is no better than them. She’s just as bad as them in different terms.
It’s been a really peculiar sight how frequently Superior Gorilla wishes death on characters. I’ll admit, I used to do that. But I’m way older than 10 now.
@jbwarner86 My thoughts exactly. It is saddening how hostile some people can be. I enjoy this story’s twists and turns, whilst some others (not naming any names) come at this comic, fangs and claws out.
@Superior Gorilla: I always find it fascinating (and also mildly disturbing) how quick my readers are to wish death on my characters. Like, the possibility of a realization and apology doesn’t even cross anyone’s minds, it’s just “nope, you did bad once, you need to pay for it forever. Nothing is forgivable.”
Lady, Aaron is like the most harmless guy in the world. He’s the face that could unite the country rather than divide it. Hell, he’s dating a black girl!
I never expected to say this, but after seeing how far you have fallen, Becca… you must DIE. Period.
Well, that was quick.
“You let a GUY boss you around?” Heard that before. None so quick to take offense than those getting offended on others’ behalf.
The sad thing is that I actually empathized with Becca, back at the start of the arc when she was getting harassed by assholes everywhere she went. But then she took things way, way too far, and now she’s officially gone from justifiably aggrieved to a raging “feminazi” stereotype.
Congrats, Becca. You’ve completed the transition from “asserting your rights as a woman” to “thoroughly annoying misandrist”.
@Tarotsu As MegaJar said, Jocelyn told Becca that Aaron just has a really big heart, and is genuinely one of the nicest guys she knows. Though that immediately went right over Becca’s head.
I swear, if Becca smacks Aaron… I have absolutely NO respect for anyone who thinks that EVERYONE of the opposite sex are nothing but mindless, bigoted monsters who see the world in black, or white. Not even black AND white. I definitely feel like she’s the kind of person who has to make it everyone else’s business who she’s attracted to, and shove it in everyone’s faces.
Yeesh, she’s just off in her own little delusional fantasy land, isn’t she?
@Tarotsu: She’s not saying Aaron’s dumb, she’s saying he’s eternally cheerful and wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Now THERE’S an obscure reference that I had to google lol One of the *lesser* Star Trek eps
I would say that Jocelyn is really harsh about Aaron’s so called intelligence but hey he doesn’t seem that offended.
When Steve is not smiling, you know shit is going down.
Becca, you better leave that teddy bear alone!
I love these rare moments where Steve is frowning. Like, even he can’t find anything amusing about this XD