June 19, 1993 Jun19 by jbwarner86 on June 19, 2023 at 12:00 am Chapter: 6/14/93 - 6/20/93: Leapin' Lizards └ Tags: Eric, Jenny, Jocelyn, Joel, Jurassic Park, Michelle, Steve
The Jocelynsaurus has a thing for skinny guys with open shirts.
Jocelynsaurus, huh?
Why not work that into their music video?
Mr. Nelson, after some consideration, I’ve decided…to ENDORSE your dream!
Damn nature, you scary!!!
Y’know what, this is the first time of one of these dream sequences has an ending as trippy as my dreams.
Well, that’s one way to end the dream sequence.
And this is how this dream ended…
And cue the Great Luke Ski song!
Even the dinosaurs of terrified of Jocelynsarus Rex!
Gotta love some good ole’ deus ex machina.