They didn’t jump, they boneheaded their way off the bridge.
Only 2 more strips in this chapter. Will this be the extent of the things they’re going to do this summer?
Nice underwater scene. Also, yes, JB managed to slip in an underwater scene. Third, he nearly killed his main characters to do it.
At least the heroic airheads managed to save their friend.
Don’t know how high that bridge is, but apparently landing in water would not feel so soft.
Then again, there are places where you jump at a great height from a rock into water, so what do I know.
It just occurred to me: why is Steve wearing a helmet? Does he really expect that to protect his head against hitting WATER?
Maybe they should just skip the bungie part and go directly to cliff-diving.
As Jeremy on CinemaSins would say, “They all survive this.” *DING!*
How high is the bridge?
@Lourenzo. What happened in the old one?
Steve’s new nickname is now officially “Safety Man”.
Don’t try this at home, kids. Leave it to professional boneheads like Joel and co.
They didn’t jump, they boneheaded their way off the bridge.
Only 2 more strips in this chapter. Will this be the extent of the things they’re going to do this summer?
Nice underwater scene. Also, yes, JB managed to slip in an underwater scene. Third, he nearly killed his main characters to do it.
At least the heroic airheads managed to save their friend.
Man this was improved from the old one
Badass like Country Mac.
There’s your thrill right there you four.
Good thing they’re fictional characters, or that definitely would’ve killed them.