June 18, 1993 Jun18 by jbwarner86 on June 18, 2023 at 12:00 am Chapter: 6/14/93 - 6/20/93: Leapin' Lizards └ Tags: Eric, Jenny, Jurassic Park
Also, I like how “food fight” could be interpreted in two different ways. The kids see it as “fighting using food as a weapon”, whereas the raptors see it as “our food is trying to fight back”.
A tub of tandoori sauce might have actually worked.
To paraphrase a bit: Do not meddle in the affairs of
dragonsraptors, for you are crunchy and taste good withketchupmustard.DOesn’t Jenny know that raptors like KETCHUP on their children-meal?
Good idea. Poor execution.
Even in a dream, Jenny always wants to make things right, but ends up making them worse.
Nice going, Jenny. You just pissed the raptors off even more.
She’s the right idea, but picked the wrong time.