June 18, 1992 Jun18 by jbwarner86 on June 18, 2022 at 12:00 am Chapter: 6/15/92 - 6/21/92: Jump Up Jump Up and Get Down └ Tags: Aaron, Jocelyn, Joel, Steve
Should have checked to see that it was tied properly. Steve narrowly escaped death today, which would have been Darwin Award worthy.
Well, if Steve can swim, it still might not be too bad.
Doesn’t matter how strong the line is if it’s not anchored correctly.
Yeah, the cord was rated for 400lbs – the little metal hook at the end, not so much.
Panel 3’s the best.
Here lies Steve Nelson: He died as he lived. A total nut job
I love Joel’s expression and perfectly oblong head in panel 3. He looks like a very shocked Muppet.
I like it when they strip gets a little cartoony, those last two panels especially
The first one to die gets their obituary written by the rest of the gang. That’s more incentive to not die than Steve’s putting into not dying.
“I take safety very seriously.”
Your prank record says otherwise, Steve.