June 17, 1991 Jun17 by jbwarner86 on June 17, 2021 at 12:00 am Chapter: 6/10/91 - 6/23/91: Jeez Louise └ Tags: Lindsay, Officer Hardcastle, Patricia, Thelma and Louise, Wesley
Velour seats? Must be one of those late 80’s Chevy Caprices.
Careful Patricia, that’s Assault and Hosery.
(looks at HeyJay…then back at the Doctor) Hey, we got there!
Wait a moment…. does this story replace the one where Katy and Ashleigh steal Joel’s car and get chased by the cops?
She’s not even in the car, pay attention Patricia…
…cant wait to see their faces when they find out he was just trying to return Lindsay’s forgotten purse…
Seriously, Patricia? ‘Groan’
The one time where you’ll actually WANT the man to explain his side of the story.